Friday, October 10, 2014

First of Four

Four wonderfully empty days lay ahead of me and I cannot be more excited! FOUR DAYS OFF! IN A ROW! I don't even know what to do with myself. Today I slept in and then I watched American Horror Story. 

Let me just start by saying clowns do not bother me. At all. The only thing that bothered me about It when I was younger was the fact that he lived in the sewer and had pointy teeth. Him being a clown had nothing to do with it. Twisty or whatever his name is in American Horror Story doesn't bother me either. Killer clown, oh no I'm so not threatened at all. I will beat you with your own juggling stick things if you decide to make me your target. I dare you.  What did make me a little uneasy though was Evan Peters' character's side job with the housewives. I'm not even sure what that whole scene was about but I just kind of stared at my screen with my head turned to the side. Those women are cheating on their husbands during the 50's. They clearly have a death wish. Calm down and stick to your pearls and fun dresses ladies, lobster boy is not worth it. I was also unnerved by the singing portion of the episode. Jessica Lange does not need music to make her fabulous especially Bowie. Can we just not?    

The rest of my day was spent playing Sims, laying around, playing with my nephews, returning the keys I accidentally left yesterday, and then catching up on The Tribe. 

Day one of doing nothing complete!

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