Sunday, October 12, 2014

Three of Four

Even though I have a whole other day of doing nothing, the fact that my mini vacation is almost over is kind of depressing. It has been a very nice three days off and it makes me not want to go back. Not because I don't miss the people or what it is that I do but because I had forgotten how awesome it felt to do absolutely nothing. And by absolutely nothing I mean sleeping, video games, movies, and hanging out with my friends.

Speaking of movies, I went to go see Dracula Untold with Alexis as a late birthday present considering her birthday was on Friday. I did not think that this movie was going to be good but it actually (surprisingly) was! This movie made Dracula likable regardless of if it was how the story is told or not. I felt so sorry for his character and for his family. The movie was just exciting enough to keep me entertained and in to the story which is not something that I expected from this movie. I am also mildly obsessed with the guy who played Dracula now.

After the movie, we did a little shopping and I was able to find two new pairs of shorts for like 16 bucks. It is a fantastic day when this happens. Then I called my biggles and planned some fun things for the weeks to come!

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