Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back To Work

No shocker here, today's post is about going back to work. Uncanny right? Do you feel like a clairvoyant or what? 

As you might have guessed, I went back to work. I love being a Castmember. Some days I don't feel very magical but I get by nonetheless. So I went back and I was able to spread some pixie dust and magic on stage before helping backstage with house keeping tasks. I like being back, to gives me something to do. Yes, it time consuming but its a job and that is something that should never be overlooked or frowned upon. 

Today was also Mother's Day. I don't even know how many status and tweets and pictures I saw today about everyone's wonderful mothers. It was a lot obviously. Mother's Day was not this big of a deal when I was growing up. I made my mom breakfast or colored a car when I was younger but when she got sick Mother's Day activities kind of stopped or I don't really remember them. It weird to see everyone celebrating and not have that. Of course I have my sister but she's not my mother. Parental unit/ guardian yes. Mother? No. And we started to get along better when she acting like it. Of course I got her present (chocolate covered strawberries that she's had I think 3 out of 12) and went to brunch today but that's about it. You'd think I would be used to this by now.

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