Thursday, May 1, 2014

Two of Three

I will have to go back and post a picture of my second "graduation" certificate when I am no longer at the library studying for a 7:30 AM final (WHY DOES THIS EXIST???) but that is what I did today.

I woke up, went to my Stress and Resilience professor to look over some PowerPoints for my test tomorrow, and then I went to get lunch with my BIGGGGLLLEESSSS!! She was in town to help out her sister (Ya'll know Brianna) and we all got to get Panera before she had to go back home. Afterwards, I said goodbye to Brandi who moved out of her dorm (suck it Smith) and went home for the summer. While that was not the last time that I will see Brandi, it might be the last time I see her in Tallahassee. Oh my goosssshhh.

The day ended with me running home, changing into my graduation regalia and then attending this ceremony called the Rite of A-rak-ke-ce-tv which is a Seminole Creek word meaning "to honor." Because I was involved with some many organizations on campus, I was given the opportunity to participate in this ceremony and receive a special, tribal graduation stole.

Now to learn four chapters of Stress and Resilience, review for five thousand hours, take my final final exam and then complete my third (and final) graduation ceremony. It's been real.

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