Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dance All Day

I dance all the time. I probably could have pursued a path as a dancer or a cheerleader. I'm coordinated and I've got rhythm but I do not have neither the self-control when it comes to food nor do I have the ability to make myself practice as much as it would have taken. At being said, I still dance. Brandi and I made a dance from scratch (okay some of the moves were from sources other than my brain) to perform. I participate in dance marathon as well. Go us. We love to dance.

My mom liked to dance too and my sister was a dancer and a cheerleader up until she moved to a different state. Her son appears to have inherited this trait as well. You see, for a good two Horus today he and I stood in the kitchen and danced to the kids stations on Pandora. The videos I now possess of him breaking it down will be fantastic to show him 12 years from now. 

It's beautiful 

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