Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

"I know the way we say goodbye is not the way that anyone would do.
And like a wave out on the ocean, I will always come right back to you... 
Nothing changed, nothing fades, nothing lost. 
And we pick up where we left off" - 
Where We Left Off -Hunter Hayes

I thought of today's post like three days ago when I realized that Memorial Day was
coming up and that I had a song that I could talked about in relation to the day. I just 
didn't get around to writing the post exactly when I wanted to.

The first time I met Hunter there was an Iraq war veteran in the room with us. The whole 
reason he and his wife had paid the 187 dollars a person to meet Hunter was to personally 
thank him for writing the song "Where We Left Off" for the Act of Valor sound track. 
"Where We Left Off" was the first song I ever bought of Hunter's. I fell in love with 
"Wanted" but this song made me cry. Bawl actually. I remember sitting in my living room 
and sobbing as I listened to it on repeat for like three days and I don't have any military 
ties, I just thought it was beautiful. Hunter is a really modest and humble person who 
still hasn't quite  wrapped his mind around the fact that he's world famous and upon 
hearing this he immediately switched the topic of conversation from himself to this 
man's service and the sacrifice he and his battalion made for the country.

He was lucky to come home and be able to have a family with his wife. 
Not all have that opportunity. 
Not all of our service men and women get to come home and pick up where they left off.
I hope everyone had a good holiday and I also hope it occurred to everyone why we have 
this day. I know it  didn't ever occur to me when I was younger but now 
it makes a little more sense. Freedom may not cost anything material but it definitely 
isn't free.

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