Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Same Name

In the last three days I have had the pleasure of working with on of my old managers again and he was kind enough to ask me about my life and school. He even remembered how I used to joke about writing a book to tell my story and asked me if I had started writing yet. Of course I haven't but I did start this. This is kind of like my life story  right? 

Anyway, today I met a little girl named Kaitlin spelled exactly the way I spell mine and we bonded over this. I helped her find some gifts for her little sister and then we bonded some more over our love of singing, dancing, and Rapunzel. We are the same person. 

After work I got an Olaf doll for a sister and then I headed home to see if my sister was going to go to this block party thing she was invited to. I was invited to go out with Catherine and Alex and their friend Aaron but I was never sure if my sister was actually going to go to the party so I wasn't able to. It's okay though, hopefully I can go out with Catherine and Alex AND BRANDI to a place where you can ride a mechanical bull!

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