Friday, May 9, 2014

Finding Your Faith

"These days I'm not sure if I know what I'm doing here or where I'll go but every night I say the same old prayer, God I don't have to see you to know that you are there" - Faith To Fall Back On- Hunter Hayes

This post came across today when I saw another of a particular 'friends'  posts perscuting a social group because he disagrees with their policies, beliefs,  and ways of thinking. I dislike this. It's okay to disagree with something but spewing firey hate for something so passionately because you don't agree? Why? 

As much as I love everyone for who tney are and what they do, my faith in humanity is very small. As a species we do many self-harming actions such as the murder of other humans, animals essential to the ecosystem, and the planet. We wage wars, attack others for being/believing different. People get violent over football teams for Merlin's sake. It's ridiculous and pointless. 

Now, to be fair, I participate in some of this myself. I never claimed to be perfect. This is something I want to work on but for now all I can do is comment on it. Another point I would like to be fair about would be the fact that the part of the song I quoted is a religious reference. I'm not what people would call religious. Religion never really spoke to me and I wasn't really encouraged to be religious by my mother. I believe that a higher being exists and I believe that what ever he/she/it is created us for a purpose and that he/she/it/they want to see us succeed. Other than that I don't feel like I'm qualified to talk further.

Anyways, the point of the quote (to me anyway) is that no matter what is happening in the world or how lost we feel because/ regardless of it you have to keep your 'faith' be it religious or non religious. Faith isn't inherently tied to a deity. It literally means "complete trust or confidence in someone or something; a strongly held belief or theory" on top of being able to being related to God. The God Hunter refers to in that song is the Christian God that he believes in. Go him. When he sings those lyrics I picture my version of a higher being. Go me. 

Find your faith. Keep it. Use it to your advantage and as a way of lighting up the proverbial darkness if you should ever come across it.

Or look at this picture :) 

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