Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Friends Like Family

Monday and Tuesday's seem to be break days and that is perfectly fine with me. I ended up staying at Sparkle Doodle's house until almost 1:30 am so I came home and passed out until 12:30 today. I can sleep like nobody's business. 

He is one of my friends that I have known and kept around since elementary school. There are only three and it is probably better that way. Upon realizing this just know I am a little blown away. I have three friends that I have known for more than half of my life. That's crazy. I don't really talk to anyone from my middle school and I have maybe another four "like family" friends from high school. 

Anyway, I was able to go visit another one of those "like family" friends today. When I say "like family" I mean I practically assimilated into her family. Her name is Alexis and I have known her since third grade. We practically lived at each other's houses kids and her family was kind and generous and awesome enough to take me on family vacations with them when my mom got sick. Before coming to live with my sister, Alexis' family was one of my main support systems in dealing with my mother's issues. I didn't really have a primary family and they became that at certain times. Of course they weren't the only ones. I had my sister's father, his wife and his step daughter to fall back on at their farm. I also had my best friend of 16 years and her mother to go to. I mean I frequently and openly call her mom "Mom" it is just kind of a thing. But this is about Alexis. Since high school I have had issues hanging out with her as much as I used to. I just always got so busy and so sidetracked with how quickly my life was happening that I would forget to call her back or I didn't have time to call her back. And then I would feel awful. This only continued in college but I'm hoping I can make up for it now that I'm home for a good chunk of time.

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