Saturday, May 24, 2014

Losing My Voice

After spending two days at Amanda's house (I'll do a post about her significance one day) I had to go back to work at 10:00AM this morning. I'm used to Saturday morning shifts at my job so that was no big deal. What I am not used to is showing up at work with a line of 25 people outside waiting for Frozen merchandise. 

You see, for the last four Saturdays, all of my stores have had to accommodate a line of parents and children alike as they wake up extremely early and wait for whatever product we might get from the movie. They also get up to put their names into an opportunity drawing to maybe be able to buy one dress. Chaos. 

Well, I lost my voice in the midst of yelling instructions regarding the drawing and the morning's procedures to the ever growing group of people who were showing up before we opened. In all, I ended up communicating with around 75 people if you include those who brought friends and/or small children. After the morning's festivities were over, I continued to work and helped numerous guests throughout the store and at the box office. My voice just kept going and going until finally one guest approached me to buy two pairs of pajamas for his daughter and I could not talk at all. 

The rest of my day was pretty lax. I went to lunch, sat at an interior design store while my sister haggled with some people, came home and played with my nephew a little, and then we had dinner. 
Through out the day I have been continuing to work on my Sim's goals and preparing to lose them all. The last update not only brought horses but time limits on my Sims' lives. I have existed with my Sims for the last two years. Now, they only live around 75 days and I am actually dreading losing them.

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