Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Little Things

The phrases: " Kid's say the darnedest things" and "out of the mouth of babes" have been resonating with me a whole bunch now that I've been home for a while. I missed so much of my nephew's 6 years being at school and thats just how life goes. He's not my son obviously but he might as well be like a brother when  you look at my family dynamic. Regardless, he says some pretty awesome stuff and the kid doesn't forget anything. He also get's really funny when I leave to go somewhere without the family. For example, yesterday I left his presence around 12 and didn't see him until this morning. In those 24 hours, allhe did  was ask where I was and when I would be back. In previous situations he has wondered what I was going to eat where ever I was and if I was going to like it. 

What causes me to write this though is the fact that he gave me a present today. Yesterday he had to sit through his brother's speech therapy. He gets a prize  for doing this. He saw that there were two of something and he ran back to the therapist and asked if he could have both because he wanted to "give one to my aunt Kate." They were matching Olaf sticker's because he hears me singing Frozen songs from work all the time.

Also today he gave me a complete run down of my schedule for the next three days which includes:
"You're going to work today? I though that was tomorrow? Oh wait, you work tomorrow too. And then the next day you get to see your rockstar friend [he's referring to Hunter Hayes] and then you come home and then you go to work right?"

He can't read but he know's my schedule almost better than I do.

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