Sunday, May 25, 2014

Least Favorite Things

I really dislike not being motivated and I also dislike that I am naturally a procrastinator because it takes a lot to motivate me. Even on Christmas morning it takes a lot for me to show a bit of excitement or gratefulness. I'm pretty ambivalent and indifferent about things which is a blessing and a curse.

I want this blog to mean something. What or to who I don't know but I want it to matter. Because I want it to matter, it bothers me quite a bit that I'm so unmotivated to sit down and write now that I am home. I don't have anything to write about here it seems. My life is pretty much the same everyday and I don't feel like I'm learning anything new anymorw. How do you go about 7 months of that???

Hopefully this little bout of burnout with pass and I can get back to finding meaning in my day to day life and not just feel like I've been on autopilot. 

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