Thursday, May 8, 2014

I Love You

I do. I love you more than you will ever know. I love you as a person. I love you as a friend. I love you as a member of my family. I love you as someone I could spend the rest of my life trying to figure out  and sharing experiences with. I love you for your mistakes, your successes, what you're capable of, your faults, your dreams and ambitions, and I love you for being you. It might sound cliché but if you're reading this right now you need to know that I love you. You need to know that you mean something to someone (not just me) and that thinking otherwise is something you should tell yourself to stop.

Today/after yesterday's post was filled with "I love you" be it from my 5 year old nephew who can't stop latching himself to me or me saying "I love you" to Dylan O' Brien every time he graced the screen during The Internship. I got to say it even more today when I went to visit with my grandmother whom I haven't seen in too months and when I surprised my sister with early an Mother's Day present.

And then I thought about how often this phrase gets thrown around when people don't actually mean it or the number of children in the world who will never hear it from their parents. Just like I believe very child deserves a family, I also believe that every person deserves to believe and understand that they are loved and are capable of love. Accept love. Give love. Self-love.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return." Moulin Rouge

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