Sunday, July 13, 2014

1996 Eric Northman

True Blood is breaking my soul into tiny, little pieces. 1996 Eric Northman (above) doesn't make it better.

Anyway, work was fun. I realized that I have gone down a pant size while I was at work as my work pants kept falling down and they weren't doing that prior to ab challenge. Speaking of ab challenge, today was a rest day and I am so grateful for that. I didn't doing anything today but I need the break.

Storyline challenge: three lessons I've learned
The first lesson I've learned is that everyone is stronger than they think they are. It is a matter of empowering yourself to be stong that allows you to feel that way. The Storyline challenge has taught me (so far) that I am capable of telling my stories. Since the beginning of this blog, the biggest thing that stands out is that I have learned that not every choice is going to be one that you are absolutely, 10000 % okay with. And that is okay. We are allowed to make mistakes. 

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