Saturday, July 12, 2014

Our Blanket Fort

"Inside every adult is a child who never grew up"

On Friday night I promised my nephew that I would build him a real fort after I saw that he had tried to make one out of pillows and stuffed animals. And what Aunt Kate says, Aunt Kate does!!

Back in the day, my friends and I would make blanket forts ALL THE TIME! I'm a master blanket fort builder if I do say so myself but I hadn't made one in like 7 years prior to today. I've still got the power though and he's completely obsessed with it! We eventually turned it into our spy/super hero head quarters and proceeded to battle invisible foes for three hours. This is also something I haven't done in about 7 years. I had wind and lightning powers as well as some MMA fighting skills while he was the leader of our super troupe and possessed this nifty little Marvel light up watch that he believed granted him any power he wanted.

Eventually our super hero selves were out of villains to fight and we had to go eat dinner. Afterwards, I did today's ab challenge and it was not fun. 55 sit ups is way more of a problem than I expected it to be and it is because I have been doing them wrong my entire life. The 65 crunches for today weren't too bad and nether was the plank. Leg lifts are the source of all evil. 

Storyline challenge "If I could change the world..."
I would change it so that no child is ever without a family or a home. 

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