Monday, July 28, 2014

What'd You Say

I totally made the 28th's post a cop out post but I had a good reason. I had to come home and work on the kite and working on that means doing absolutely nothing else. I can't text/type/talk and color/sketch all at the same time so I wrote a space filler post. 

Now, its titled "What'd You Say" not because I have been saying "Wait, what" more than usual or because I haven't been listening. It's more of a title for me. July was supposed to be the start over month (again) and I was able to get almost half way through it and stay on track. Like most people know, I fell off track again. I told myself this wouldn't happen. I told my self I could do this. I said this time would be different.

I need to look back into to my goals so I can plan for August. I need to get back to the root of this blog and I know that I can. It is just going to take a bit of concentration and effort, probably about the same as I've out towards this kite (which will be finishe pd by the end of the day on Tuesday so PICTURES!!)

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