Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day Number One

Day 1 is complete! July has 31 days so I decided to start the an challenge today so that I finish on the 31st. The first three days are really easy but it will be the second set of three where I start to have problems because of the plank. The ten second plank today was already a little challenging and I am not really sure why. I can bench 80 pounds (sooooo impressive right?) and I can curl 50 but when it comes to push ups/planks my arms turn to complete jello. I don't anticipate having any other issues until the 5th set of days.

Another challenge was started today as well! A really cool fan account for Hunter Hayes made this project for fans(or anyone really, you don't have to be a die hard Hunter fan to want to feel better about yourself) to use the next 30 days to write their own storyline. The first day is "how you see yourself." This blog has had many a post about my feelings and how I see myself but I guess today I shall re-live some of them. How I see my self fluctuates. One day I feel like a superstar and like I am capable of anything and then other days I feel ridiculously inadequate. This is normal. the people you surround yourself with do have an impact on how you feel about your self but fortunately for me and envy one else the final decisions is up to us. Do you let yourself feel belittled and weak or do you tell you sparsely that you are strong and capable? That is your choice. I tend to pick the latter.

Aside from restarting ab challenge and starting the storyline challenge, today has consisted of lots of Facebook and Twitter. I also returned some items at Walmart and babysat for a little bit but that isn't of any real importance. I was supposed to see some of my sisters today but due to some scheduling errors those plans did not happen. Plans are being made with other people for the rest of the week though. 

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