Monday, July 21, 2014

Should've Posted Sooner

Actually, this should have probably have be yesterday's post but that is okay because I'm going to about it now. When I hit 200 days/posts I felt this sense of relief wash over me and I thought "only 165 left." I knew that this little experiment was going to be challenging from the start but lately this has felt like a chore. The challenges were helping this month but once I got off track, I had no motivation or desire to post. On one hand, I will be relieved when I don't *have* to post. On the other, I *want* to want to post. When I started this, I wondered if I would continue writing after my year was up. Do I just close the book I've written or do I write a sequel? Would I even have time if I get in to graduate school?  

I want this feeling of not wanting to do this anymore to go away. I'm going to start finding things now for the next months. I might even start scheduling what I'm going to write about. Ijngjdoolksnmdllkvj

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