Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So It's Tuesday

Not really. I didn't post on time and now, at 11 o'clock the next day, I'm going to write something that feels like a post. Three months ago I would have flipped out about missing a day and slacking on the blog as much as I have been. I *HAVE * to find more motivation to finish this year out. 

I was supposed to catch up on storyline challenge and pick a point to restart ab challenge from but I didn't. I did catch up on Teen Wolf because I was up at 8:15 in the morning and it was on the DVR. This season isn't as enthralling as the last seasons and I'm not sure where it is all leading to. 

Suzy Tuesday was tons of fun as usual! I was able to help Catherine get her allergy stuff and then I was able to experience the glorious-ness that is Taco Son (> Taco Bus) which is now my second favorite Mexican place ever. Then we went craft supply shopping, got ice cream, and then might have planned a vacation to Universal Studios... Maybe...

I really need to call Alexis back and open my savings account. And drive. 

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