Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Did Some Things

Soooooooo I may have given my self two rest days. And I may have cheated on today's ab challenge by doing all of my sit ups in my bed.  60 sit ups after two rest days is really difficult on a yoga mat. Essentially what is going to happen now is that I will skip  next scheduled rest day and then I will be back on track. I walked my dog today though!!

In other news, today was going to be a make up day and in a sense it was. I just didn't do an out of the box look. Instead, today I will talk about the Katy Perry Covergirl collection I picked up last week. (Not my picture below p, I didn't want to get up and take one but the colors are right. I did NOT buy nail polish though)

 I really like the concealer, it covers my under eye darkness really well. As far as the foundation color goes, I ended up having to go get 110  because 105, which is the collections lightest color (normally what I am) was TOO light. That never happens. What happens a lot though is having to go down a color because the shade is too dark which is the problem with 110. I was so excited for this collection because its oil free and protects against unwanted shine so my heart broke when I realized 110 was too dark. However, being the resourceful human that I am and seeing as I can't return my open/used foundation I decided to layer them so that 105 goes on first and then 110. This brings the contrast down enough for me to be able to wear the foundation and I'm happy with it! It definitely stays on and the shine  is very minimal so points for that. I still haven't figured out how to use the powder which is mostly due to not knowing what to do with powder foundation to begin with. 

Storyline challenge for today consists of writing "what LOVE means to [me]." Now, I'm not exactly sure if they mean L.O.V.E. or if they are talking about expressing what I think being in love is like. So I'll do both. 


That acronym comes from being a psychology major and taking in to account how couples/families should work through conflict and talk to each other in order to be considered "functional." I'm not sure that is even an original acronym but I think its clever. If you're with someone you should be willing to listen to their issues/stories/feelings/whatever and observe their actions/body language/choices/whatever without judging them. Take what is happening at face value. Validate their issues/choices etc. as having meaning or being of importance to them and then emote or express your feelings about the situation. L.O.V.E. somebody. 

If we're talking about being in love or loving somebody there's really not much I can say. I know Af,ill love first hand and I know being in puppy love. I can't honestly say that I've been in love. I thought I was at one point but I can't agree with that statement now. I hope that love is a whirlwind experience that brings you and your partner closer together; that it means you can depend on one another and that you have trust, communication, acceptance, and passion between you. 

Thats the best I got. 

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