Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Word Titles

I'm assuming that everyone/anyone who has read this blog from the beginning has noticed that I only have three word titles. THIS IS GETTING INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT.

Most of the time I come up with a three word title and then I discover that I have already used it in another post or that one of the words I am using in the title is the incorrect version of the word that I am looking for. I can't change it now though. Everything has had a three word title since the beginning! ROUTINE (lolol)!!

Today was a pretty easy day at work. I found out that I may actually get to be a stage director more often which is really nifty.Obviously, it isn't guaranteed but it is something that is really exciting to think about. I am also going to be working on an application for something else at work which I really hope I get.

I haven't done the ab challenge for today yet but it is going to happen right after this post! Since I have been home, I have been working on organizing the Pen-Pal account that I co-own and  I have been explaining the process to a few of the other co-owners.

Storyline challenge: Top 5 biggest influences
   Okay, I totally do not intend to for this be a wall of text post so I am not going to go into a ton of details with these. I don't have these really. What drives me to get things done is myself. But, I can definitely find people/places/things that I guess I can consider inspiration

1. The eventual satisfaction of achieving my goals
2. Hunter Hayes- He and his family made his dreams come true.
3.Walt Disney- he stopped at nothing to make his daughters' dream of seeing Mary Poppins on screen come true.
4. My friends- whenever I can't inspire myself to do something, they can,
5. My sister. That's a whole blog post in it's self  but she gave up so much to finish raising me. I can't deny that she's influenced my life.

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