Sunday, July 20, 2014

So SO behind

I am a bad blogger. Ever since I fell of the wagon of ab challenge last Monday I have just been so wishy washy about posting! Catherine posted today about it being Sunday and how much fun she's looking forward to having this upcoming week. she also posted about how excite she is about it being summer which I am as well don't get me wrong. My summer has been pretty empty though minus the interactions I've had with her, Amanda, Alexis, and Kayla. I'm definitely starting to feel like I need new/more people but I don't know where to acquire them. This is also one of my biggest fears going into grad school: that I won't make friends with new people.

Today consisted of sleeping until nearly 3pm and then lounging about watching movies until 8pm. And then True Blood which had so many squeal moments!! 
I will be catching up with my challenges (for real this time) on Tuesday before seeing Catherine. 

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