Friday, July 25, 2014

Thirteen Hours Asleep

After I finished drawing more of the Tarzan piece of the kite for work, I decided that Jane was pissing me off and I gave up for the night. My plan was to go upstairs and start researching for the Atlantis piece by watching the movie and looking at coloring pages. I got about an 1/8th of the way through the movie before I passed out.

Now, I can sleep like no one's business. It's a talent I assure you. My talent took me through four separate dreams in over thirteen hours of sleep. As 3 o' clock rolled around, I started getting ready for work and today I decided to be creative with my face and do a makeup day! Unfortunately, I did not photograph it. But I was was very happy with it and I'm counting it anyway! 

Work went pretty well minus the fact that five thousand people decided to rush the store before closing. They were all very nice guests and my adventure with all of them was very pleasant, just exhausting. Did I come home and sleep though? Nope. I came home and immediately sat down to finish Jane who, I must say, looks pretty good well. I will post pictures of the whole project when everything is finished. Tomorrow is going to be a busy drawing day during the early part of the day. I have to figure out exactly what my design for Atlantis is (I practiced a few things tonight and Princess Kida is much harder than I thought she would be), figure out how to fit it in the space I've given myself, and then draw it.

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