Monday, July 14, 2014

So Much Excitement

For a Monday at least. I don't usually have Monday's off, normally its Tuesdays and I spend them with Catherine. Well, tomorrow I have to work so I originally planned to have Suzy Monday with Catherine. Kayla then informed me that she was coming to town so I planned on splitting the day between them. Unfortunately, due to plumbers showing up at my house, those plans changed. I was able to see Kayla today (so good to see her beautiful face and get to go on fun adventures with her) but Catherine and I's scheduled time was overwritten :(

NEVER FEAR!! Thursday will see the two of us reunited and next Tuesday we shall return to our regularly scheduled programming!

I was able to pick up some make-up tools today which is also exciting and I was able to catch up on Girl Meets World. OH!! And Hunter Hayes is back in the studio and we have a new video coming out next week!!!

The Storyline challenge for today is to talk about a life changing moment.  The first one that comes to mind is walking my horse out of the pasture, losing my footing and finding myself under him as he is also losing his footing. The saying about seeing your life flash before your eyes is somewhat true. You don't see your life like a movie or anything but you do see how quickly everything can be taken away. Or at least I did. Anyway, Casper did his best not to crush me. He knew I was there and he was legitimately worried about me. He was my best friend. Someone grabbed me obviously and then we pulled him to safety as well. I don't how long I hugged him for but it felt like hours. After everything was all said and done, I stopped looking at my ability to ride horses as a right and began looking at it like the privilege that it was.

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