Monday, March 31, 2014

Back on Track

So, the third month has ended and I didn't really get back on track. I kind if derped around and wrote random things. That's not what this is for, it for meaningful decisions and actual events not these meaningless events that my life  has recently entailed. 

April will be more productive and full of meaningful experiences. 

No more nonsense.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

DM Part 2

So I'm just going to kind of post everything here and then fix it all tomorrow.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

DM Part 1

"I don't want easy, I want crazy. Are you with me baby, lets be crazy!!" I Want Crazy, Hunter Hayes

IT'S HERE!!! DM IS HERE!! AHHHH!!!! Today's the day for miracles and hope and dancing and craziness!! 

So today is going to be full of blog updates on this post! Pictured above is half of what I'm bringing to the event. One of the best ways to stay awake is to participate in the theme hours so that is exactly what we're going to do!  Updates to follow :)

6:00: Morale captains try to get us excited! WOOOO!!!

7:00-900pm: We started learning the line dance! There's like 30 snippets of songs shoved into a 7 minute time span. Oh boy!

9:30 SISTERS CAME TO VISIT US!!! We are so excited to see them and they brought us goodies :) :) 
10:00pm I REACHED 750!!!! Thank you everyone who helped me raise it FOR THE KIDS!! And Kate and I were able to dress up in high school cliques. 

 11:00pm: DESSERT BAR!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

It Has Begun


Kate and I start our twenty tomorrow at 7pm so we have little while to get ready for the best day of the year. I started three hours ago and I only have 6 things packed. This is a problem. 

Essentially I am having to go through my entire room to look for my ankle and knee braces. My room is always in a constant store of disaster so this is essentially an impossible task. Once I find everything, I can actually sift through all o my clothes and pick out what I actually wan to Dace in. Everything that packed is costume related. #Nerdstatus.

In other news, I cranked out a 6 page paper, went to Michael's to make two more shirts, and then had dinner with Brandi in a matter of 7 hours. Woo. I also have a GRE study session tomorrow BEFORE I go to DM. Mental AND physical exhaustion in 3... 2...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tee Shirt Time

So as the pattern continues, ANOTHER DM POST!!! Today's showcase is the back of the shirt!! Kate and I are very proud of our handiwork and the saying we came up with.

Today also consisted of finding out that Brandi and I got into the talent show we auditioned for! Now to go write a paper, do laundry and then survive the weekend. Got this.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another DM Post

Except this time with pictures!!! Kate and I decided to make Dance Marathon shirts and that is what mine looks like! We knew there wasn't a point in getting shirts made and our shirts will be way more entertaining and heartfelt than anyone else's.

We are also responsible for making some signage for our organization in support of ourselves and DM! WOO!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Yellow Brick Road

The main reason this post is called "Yellow Brick Road" is because I can't get Hunter Hayes' cover of Elton John's "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" out of my head. It was released today/last night at midnight and I've been listening to it nonstop. 

The post's title actually does have some relevance though. DM is in three days and today Kate and I had our all dancer meeting in order to prepare for the event and then we started getting all of the necessary items!!! We started our journey down this yellow brick road around two month ago and now our emerald city is three days away. 

I know I've posted so much about DM but if you haven't experienced it, there's no way to explain why it is such a big deal. Just trust me and my judgement. It's amazing. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Auditions and Anxiety

And alliteration it seems. Just kidding.

So today saw Brandi and I auditioning for the talent show. I think it went fairly well however, we still have to hear back as to whether or not we will be allowed to perform. I really hope that we are. We have worked so hard on this and the last half of the dance is so dynamic. Positive vibes. Positive vibes. 

Before the audition, I made it to my 9am class as a full day of work. This full day of work was spent playing Facebook games and trying to do better on my G.R.E. scores. I took a practice test yesterday and I was able to bring up my verbal score from to 65th percentile. That is more than enough for admission into one of my grad schools but in order to get in to the other I need to raise my math score way WAY up. My current score is in the 16th percentile and definitely needs some assistance. The more I think about this test the more anxious I get. I have 28 days to bring up this score or I can all but  kiss my graduate school dreams goodbye. 

In other news, I am only one hundred dollars away from my goal for Dance Marathon and I have 4 days to raise it!!! Wooooo!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The 23rd Day

If you've ever seen the movie The Number 23 then you probably did the same thing that I did afterward and found all of the "23"'s in your life. There are a ton of things wrong with this number. For one thing, its prime. For another its a prime number made up of prime numbers. I really don't like prime numbers. I really don't like odd numbers. I have around 15 23's in my life. Ugh.

Today was 323 and I spent it trying to be strategic and logical during a three hour practice G.R.E. Exam. Then I spent 150 dollars on a math refresher course because I'm in the 16th percentile for quantitative section of the test and the 65th for verbal. I need to be in the 60th at minimum on quantitative so I've got some work to do. Oh boy. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Getting Out There

After around two weeks of planning, my sisters, some other friends, and I were finally able to hold our birthday party for the kids at the homeless coalition! I was really surprised that as many people came out to help with it as they did. I honestly got the impression that no one really wanted to participate so if you're reading this and you helped, thank you again so incredibly much.

I loved being able to see the kids as happy as they were and know that for even two minutes they didn't have to worry about anything. The kids and their parents didn't need to provide anything other than a fun attitude and willingness to participate. Helping makes me happy. Seeing other people happy makes me happy. Today was a good day.

AFTER the birthday party, I went with two of my sisters to Panera and then we played Just Dance. The video that now exists of one of my sisters and I trying to dance to "Careless Whisper" is kind of the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Disney/Frozen Karaoke

Busy, busy day today!!! 

I finished drawing and started coloring in the rest of the birthday cards for the birthday party. Then I went to my internship to check on my kids and to an  assignment for the class portion of the practicum

THEN IT WAS DISNEY KARAOKE TIME WITH SOME SISTERS AND BRANDI!! I sand two songs and while I was really really REALLY nervous I did it successfully! I even got one of my sisters to get up there and sing!

A free screening of Frozen finished off the night. While I still don't like most of the songs, the movie as a whole is a little better. Go see it for the score and the animation. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

We Did It

Catherine posted this on my Facebook a while back and of course I immediately saved it. Positivity AND Hunter? That basically sums up my life. 

I post it today because she was right. I can do this. And by this I mean raise enough money (AND help someone else raise enough money) in order to dance. I have surpassed my original goal and I have raised 600 dollars so far! I will get that last 150 so help me lord!

 I got word a few hours ago that my soon to be dance-buddy raised enough money to be invited to the event!! This is so exciting because she has never experienced DM and I really didn't want to experience it alone!

Of course I had help with these. It took people to raise this money. People and generosity. But Kate and I had determination on our side and we accomplished our goal!

Things I was also able to accomplish today? Laundry. I also (finally) went down and deposited my paychecks from Disney and went and found the rest of the supplies for the birthday party this weekend. Successful day is successful.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Working At It

Considering I didn't finish crafting until 1am and I didn't get home and fall asleep until 2am, I already knew that waking up this morning was going to be exceptionally difficult. My alarms started gng off at 645am and I didn't even hear them. The first alarm that I heard was the one that starts at 750 and I finally acknowledged it at 758. My ability to sleep is mind blowing sometimes. 

I decided that I could skip my first class because A) we were watching a movie, B) I was exhausted, and C) my throat was killing me. So I went back to sleep expecting to wakeup feeling better for work. This was not the case. I woke up 20 minutes before work and I felt awful. My theory was still hurting, I couldn't breathe through my nose again p, and my whole body was aching. Needless to say I called out of work and spent the whole day resting, taking medicine, and fundraising for Dance Marathon. 

What I'm working at is having less of these days. I really don't like missing things but I have felt awful these past few weeks more times than not. I want to feel normal. Normal would be nice. I am also working at raising the last 150 that I need for my DM goal and helping one of my sisters raise her 150 in order to dance!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Planning Birthday Parties

My sorority and I planned today before we left or spring break and I'm glad that it was so successful! Today we had to put together 55 party favors for the birthday party we are throwing for two kids at our local homeless shelter! We also had to make their birthday cards which we are drawing and creating by hand for each child. 

We had around 12 sisters and Nu's come and help us set everything up and I am so thankful for their assistance!

Monday, March 17, 2014

So SO Grateful

These last two days have been insanely crazy!!! I have been scrambling to raise money for Dance Marathon and I'm so happy to say that I made it!! With everyone's help I have already raised 475 dollars!

I am so so SO grateful for everyone's support! When I woke up this morning and saw my total I was nearly in tears! Dance Marathon means so much to me so all I can say is thank you, thank you so much for everything you have helped me accomplish and for allowing me to participate again this year!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Final Two Months

As a sister and I entered our college town this afternoon, we were greeted with rain, puddles, humidity, and general icky-ness. It's like Mother Nature knew we were all sad that spring break was over and wanted to cry with us. She's still crying mind you. Of course maybe Mother Nature is sad that she will be losing so many students from this area soon. Or maybe the clouds were just really full of evaporated water. 

Regardless of why the sky is pouring buckets of water on our heads, today is kind of a big deal. Today marks my last two months in my apartment near campus. It marks about 40 days until graduation. It marks the end. Three years ago I was in the middle of preparing for IB and AP exams and I was about to accept my acceptance at my university. Now it's almost over. I'm preparing for the GRE, looking at other schools, thinking about jobs back home. It's a whole new ball game and I'm not sure I'm ready. I've been on the cusp of adulthood since I was twelve and now you're telling me its actually time? My nearly 10 years of waiting is almost over? What?

I always knew that I would have a hard time transitioning to a life outside of school. I had that realization in fifth grade when they asked us to put together a portfolio of what we wanted our lives to be. We had to come up with a title for each "chapter" of our lives and while the only title I remember is "UT is for Me" I distinctly remember asking my self: "What is it going to be like when we're done with school? What do we do then?" Then I panicked, starting planing ways to stay in elementary school forever, and tried to come up with a way to freeze time.

In all seriousness, I still haven't quite figured out what's next. I know where I want to go in life, how I want to help others and be successful but I don't know about June. I go home and work on saving as much as possible and helping my sister. We'll see. 


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Last Day Home

I spent my last day with family and friends. First the family and I went to lunch at this sandwich place which is always yummy. Then I was able to watch my two nephews run amuck in the play area at the mall where I work. After walking around with them for an hoy I met up with my friend Ilana and we proceeded to look for formal dresses to no avail.  We did however find chocolate an this adorable little clip on hat! 

When I got home I cuddled with the eldest nephew because he is a tad upset about me living for two more months. His brother soon surprised all by picking up a sippy cup of water and drinking out of it like he invented the act. This is a very big deal considering this three year old cant talk, chew, or feed him self. We are all very excited for his new found skill! 

Even though I know I'll be back before I know it, it is hard to think about being away agin. I don't want to leave. I want to be able to see the boys grow up and I want to be involved. Hmph. School is all most done!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Just Hanging Out

As spring break draws to a close I am actually starting to feel better which is fantastic!  Today I slept in, played with my nephews, and then I went to hang out with Alexis!

Her and I have been friends for a very *very* long time. Since third grade actually. We've been through many adventures and fun times so I'm excited that I got to see her. We watched Catching Fire and I did our make up. I'm actually hoping to submit the makeup look into a contest so wish me luck!!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Being Blown Away

You'll appreciate this title in a minute.

Even though I felt really gross I went to work as it was my last working during spring break. I was dreading going in and  was worried that I wouldn't be able to make it all day. However, all was well and I was able to make the whole day and do a pretty good job! 

Fun things happened today!! I met Carrie Underwood's cousin! I thought he was an awesome individual already because he was so knowledgable and so enthusiastic about Disney but then he revealed he was her cousin!! At first I didn't believe him but then he told me family facts and how American Idol changed family reunions. It is possible that he isn't really her cousin but I have no reason not to believe him. So yea.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sick. Sick. Sick.

I feel how she looks. If you don't know who she is, her name is Augra (og-rah) and she is from a lovely little movie called The Dark Crystal

The last time I felt this sick I was admitted to the hospital. That will be four years ago in April. Everything in my body hurts, I keep fluctuating between feeling like I'm in the Sahara before feeling like I've teleported to Antarctica, I generally feel gross/under the weather, and I have some sort of ear/nose/throat thing happening. Apparently Spring Break isn't in my favor. 

I know that my temperature spiked sometime last night around 2 because I never actually feel asleep. Instead I started ether lucid dreaming about or hallucinating being an Imagineer at Disney and being responsible for designing a new Frozen ride.This was encompassed with tossing, turning, randomly sitting up, moving my legs like a cricket, and talking to people I knew weren't in my room. No matter what I did, I was forced to redo the design ad each way I turned was a different design which meant a different part of my body started to hurt.

The last time this happened was Spring Break 2007. I had strep and I had just finished the 6th Harry Potter book. I hallucinated that Lord Voldemort and I (AKA Harry) were falling while holding hands and singing kumbyyah (HOW DO YOU SPELL THIS??). Then (pillow) Hermione tried to suffocate me with a pillow.

Anyway, when I finally pulled my self out of last night's dream state, I jumped in the shower to either cool my self off or to warm myself up (I can't remember honestly). I was able to sleep for two-ish hours after that until I had to get up and go to work. 

I think my description above is pretty accurate don't you think? 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Wild Card


Last night on his VLOG there was a message that said a special announcement would be coming today. I figured it was a new single but I'm never that lucky so I brushed it off. When I woke up this morning I discovered that there was a new single, the album is available for pre-order, AND you didn't have to pre-order the album to get the single!! The single is called "Wild Card" and it's very early Keith Urban. It's up tempo and very fun to listen to although a bit juvenile. Regardless, I bought it and you should too!!!

iTunes-> Hunter Hayes-> Storyline-> "Wild Card" and "Invisible" (IT'S FOR CHARITY!!) 

ALSO!! I HAVEN'T HAD SODA IN 70 DAYS!!! SHDKFUJFKCUSJJ. And on the 70th day of blogging I got really really sick. I went to work and dis my job but I feel awful :( If you would like to make me feel better, please donate here: 


Monday, March 10, 2014

All New Things

Today was a pretty bland day in the grand scheme of things. It was full of new things both physical and experiential.

My nephew would not let go of me today. He would not stop wanting to play or cuddle or giggle or anything. He's always loved to climb on me but this level is new. It's adorable and I love it but its new and it will take some getting used to.

I bought Catching Fire because I didn't have a reason not to. I bought a bunch of new bras (TMI? EH you'll be fine) which is honestly the best thing I've bought in a while. There was a new episode of Teen Wolf, I was able to finalize my plans for another concert I want to go to, and now I have a sore throat. Joy. I think that sums it up. New Things. Yay.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Positive Outcomes Only

Positive outcomes only. That’s Savannah Monroe’s mantra.  She sees the positive in everything, in everyone.  It starts off annoying but quickly becomes contagious.  You stand next to this woman, you can’t help being affected by her hope, her optimism, her wild enthusiasm for what comes next.  Doubt is everywhere today.  Doubt becomes cynicism, which influences what we do, how we feel about each other and ourselves.  It colors our interactions, but not Savannah’s…Savannah believes every tomorrow is better than today, and every day we all become a little better than the day before.

Marti Perkins, Hellcats episode 1.19

I first watched Hellcats when it debuted on the CW in 2010 and I loved it. There probably isn't a week since it aired that I haven't thought about this show in some form or another. The plot, the characters, the writing, the actors, all of it was pure gold. But the fan base just wasn't there. Hellcats wasn't picked up for another season and just like that something that was so inherently good was dashed away. 

The phrase "positive outcomes only" however, has stuck with me since then and so has head cheerleader Savannah Monroe's practice of writing positive things on her teams' arms. I used to send positive words to my friends who I knew need help getting through the day and I would always tell them "positive outcomes only." About a year and a half ago I started saying "positive outcomes only please" just to give it my own little twist. Yes, I realize the acronym for this is either P.O.O. or P.O.O.P. but I really don't care. I adopted the saying because it mms something. It promotes working towards things and events and goals that will only better you and the people you surround yourself with. It supports the idea of success and the ability to be successful. I love P.O.O.!

I bring this up in today's post because something happened today where P.O.O.P. was needed. A person who has been in my life since kindergarten talked of me about some of the issues going on in her life that made her just want to curl in and perpetually go to sleep. Her and I have had our issues, there is no arguing that but with all the dysfunction going on in her life she needed a pep talk. Facebook (and autocorrect) of course hates me and decided to change a bunch of my words but the message was finally sent. I hope it helped, she's not very good with replying to those kinds of things but she agreed to take one of my suggestions. I ended then pep talk with P.O.O.P. and I won't take anything less from her.

Positive Outcomes Only Please

Saturday, March 8, 2014

For The Kids

I remember looking up the events that happened on my college's campus way before I was had actually decided that I was going to accept their admission offer. I remember stumbling upon something called 'Dance Marathon' and reading the description going "Yes, I definitely want to do this. I want to dance for 20 hours how fun would that be oh my gosh" and then I forgot about it for about 8 months.

Fast forward to my first semester in my sorority and someone saying that she wanted to do DM this semester and wanted to know if any of the sisters wanted to join her. I asked what in the world "DM" was and she told me "Dance Marathon. You stand for 20 hours as a way of raising money for the Children's Miracle Network."

I signed up within the next two weeks and that is how my love of DM began. I attended the event with ten of my sisters (including my biggles!!) and while they were all miserable for the majority of the night, I was bouncing around like the energizer bunny telling everyone to be happy. I did the same thing the next spring only this time I had someone as equally peppy and excited as I was. My dancer-buddy-for-life as I called her helped me get through my second DM and it was even more fun than the first. We even had a life changing moment where we were told we could sit down. SIT DOWN. For about three seconds we started to sit. And then we all stood back up. No, we weren't going to sit. We weren't going to stop dancing or standing or fundraising until our 20 hours were up. Until we KNEW what our final total was. Until we knew that we had done all we could during those 20 hours. And we didn't. We raised 701,493.16 during the months leading up to DM and DM itself. I thought it was higher but I was incorrect. 

This year it is only me and one other sister who are trying to dance at the event.  Its more difficult for us to raise money as a smaller organization but instead of putting a cap on how many participants each organization can have go to DM they have it so that only the top fundraisers are able to dance. That is how it has always been but this year there as been so many people who have signed up to dance that the rule of "only the top fundraisers are allowed to dance" is actually being enforced. You would think that they would change the rules a little to allow people from each organization who want to participate to actually participate. They changed the rules and made it exceptionally difficult for the smaller organizations on campus to have as much participation as the larger ones as we can no longer due dancer substitutions which hinders participation. But I digress, that isn't the point of this post.

The point of this post is that when I chant "F.T.K." or when I hear "just keep dancing" I actually mean it. Children's Miracle Network is one of the places my nephew would turn to if we needed to find more answers or alternate treatments. Dance Marathon is an experience that touches (most) people (ie people who actually care and are not there just because it looks good or because its an easy way to get community service) on a level that they might never have experienced before and might never experience again. For 20 hours you have hope regarding the human race. For 20 hours you know that you are doing something to help those kids. For 20 hours, you are proud to be tired and in pain and feeling like you'll never be able to stand again because you know that what you're doing matters.

I've got two weeks to earn my way back to Dance Marathon. I shouldn't have started this late, I know that. I was way too worried about school and getting other girls to sign up. Today I sent out six emails and IM-d a ton of people. I will make it back to DM even if I go by myself. I will dance. I will help those kids and I will spend my last spring as an undergrad participating in the most important thing that my college has given me. Dance Marathon. For the Kids.

If you took the time to read this and it impacted you in anyway or if you just want to help please donate here:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Away From School

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work we go" - the Seven Dwarves- Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Today was the first day of my last undergraduate spring break. What did I do? I had a road trip back home with one of my sisters, cuddled with one of my nephews, went to work (WORK IS A MAGICAL PLACE WHERE YOU SING DISNEY SONGS ALL DAY) and now I'm home.

I already love spring break even though all I've done is work so far. While at work I made three people ridiculously happy and I got some awesome news that involves a one year pin and becoming a "regular" EEEKKKKKK THIS IS SO AWESOME !! In your best Rapunzel Voice: "THIS JA SO MUCH FUNNNNN!!! BEST DAY EVER!"

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Starting My Project

Even though it is a component of one of the most ridiculous assignments/classes I have ever had the displeasure of partaking in, today was the first day of my project at my internship. I decided that I wanted to work on self-control with these kids by having them participate in goal oriented and positive reinforcement exercises in hopes that by working on their self-control in small, contained doses then the students will be able to apply some of the methods of self-control to real world problems they might experience. I know that it is a long shot but I was honestly at a loss for what to do.

Today I replicated a classic psychology experiment where you place a marshmallow in front of a child and tell them that they can either eat it now or if they wait five minutes they can have another one plus the one already in front of them. I did this to get an idea of where my students' levels of self-control were. They all stated that they could control themselves in everyday situations but when it came to them being angry they had no self-control. The exercise with the marshmallow reinforced what the students said about themselves so next week I will need to give them more challenging activities.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Time to Dance


Brandi and I are back to dancing as we have just signed up to audition for a new talent show where we can show off the dance that we will be finishing sometime this month. Hallelujah! Praise Gandalf! We are hoping to be accepted into the show for April 9th!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I Made Dinner!

If you've been following this for a while then you might remember that one of my goals is learning how to cook. I want to be able to make my own food all the time but I'm just too lazy to do that. I have been making my lunch each day this past week and spending less money and time eating at restaurants or fast food. 

Tonight I took my shot at making dinner and decided to make steak and potatoes. It took two different mediums to cook the steak and the potatoes/green beans were a steam fresh bag (it's not cheating!!) but I made dinner! Go me! Now to turn it in to something you would see at Emrils.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Teen Wolf Feels

"A trickster that feeds off chaos, strife and pain. The nogitsune." Various Teen Wolf episodes.

I love Teen Wolf. I didn't think I would when I heard that MTV was remaking the classic and turning it into a teen drama. This movie was Michael J. Fox at his most ridiculous. The poor kid played basketball as a wolf for goodness sake. I was so worried that the show was going to be this dumb, horrible remake. 

I was wrong.

After watching season one of Teen Wolf, I was hooked. Season two was amazing. Season three is breaking my heart. I hate you so much Jeff Davis.

Teen Wolf is honestly the best part of my busy Mondays. I go from class to work to class to chapter and then all I want to do is sleep. But Teen Wolf is worth the extra effort. 


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Two Steps Forward

I worked toward a few of my goals today by completing assignment after assignment after assignment for my practicum class. I have one more that I have to start working on in order to be completely finished but I'm sure it will be easy. I also booked my test date for the G.R.E. EEEKKKK!!

 This upcoming week will consist of catching up from two weeks ago and then going home to see my nephews! I can't wait to see them and also be able to go back to work at the store while I'm home.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Third Month In

60 days!!! Wooooo!! It definitely doesn't feel like I've been doing this for two months but numbers don't lie right? Anyway, I promised that I would revisit my goals for today so here we go! 

1. Stop drinking soda.
    No soda for 60 days. I think I can check this one off. Any thoughts? 
2. Visit with the nutritionist on campus to start eating better.
    Still haven't done this. I actually kind of went backwards on this and started eating junk food again :( 
3. Make time to go to the gym, I want to feel better about my self. 
    I have been going to physical therapy and I have been putting in some hours at the gym. The last ten days my workouts consisted of training for the talent show which, if I may say so my self, felt like I was losing all the weight in my body. I wasn't obviously.
4. Put effort into my appearance 3/4 days out of the week.
    This has all but stopped completely. I'm lucky if I even put a bow in my hair because now it is long enough to be tied back. Hair cut time? 
     My planner is my phone and my time management skills have been slipping. I'm hoping this week will be better
6. Stay positive.
    On going battle.
7. Take the GRE.
    My GRE group kind of fizzled out and now I'm back on my own. I need to ind a companion or I know I won't study for this test. Something else I should is actually book a GRE date.
8. Drink more water.
    I got this yo.
9. Make straight A's my final semester.
    So far so good!! I have a 95 in stress and resilience and a 92 in psychology of personality. The practicum is tricky.
10. Be happy with myself and the choices I make.
     This hasn't really even crossed my mind since I wrote down the second time. I try to be happy and I try to keep my long term feelings about something in mind when I decided to do it. I'm impulsive so it's hard. 
11.Look into internships.
     I did this!! I looked in to three or four things. Unfortunately, the due dates had either already passed, were too soon, or the application needed letters of recommendation that I am really bad at getting.
12.Learn how to cook.
     I'm a failure. But the kitchen I have to work with isn't that great either. 
13.Work on my relationships.
     I'm not even sure what I meant by this originally. I should probably reflect.
14. Make better choices with my finances.
      Again, I suck at this. I'm so impulsive and I need to work on my self control. I know that I could do this easily but I just haven't.