Friday, January 10, 2014

Be the Change.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"- Ghandi

I found that quote at a dollar store as a wallpaper safe sticker some time last year. It's been stuck on my door ever since. I know that it isn't exactly what Ghandi said but it is an adaptation of his quote so I'll credit him. I've looked to that quote so many times in the last year it isn't even funny. Whenever I was having a bad day and I needed inspiration I would just read it and re read it and stare at it until I felt calmer about the situation. We fail to realize just how much our actions can influence our world. Regardless of how little or seemingly insignificant it is, something you do could be cause a reaction on a much larger scale. Is anyone else mildly intimidated by the amount of power that gives you? Be the change. Be the change. My actions and my decisions today could lead to a much better or a much worse tomorrow and the next day and someone else's Saturday 25 years from now. The thought of that is pretty scary, I am not going to lie. But that thought is also empowering, enlightening, inspiring and generally uplifting. So I will continue to try to be the change. I will try as hard as I possibly can to help others and inspire others to do great things. I want to be that way. 

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