Monday, January 13, 2014

Tearing Us Apart

"Our differences are what make us unique"

I overheard something today that saddened me a bit. I overheard a conversation between a few people basically trying to punish someone for something he or she could not control. It is not the person being punished's fault he or she is a bit different. It is not his or her fault that he or she has a mental disability. It isn't his or her fault that he or she physically cannot do something the same way another person would.

So why aren't these people doing the punishing realizing that? It isn't his or her fault. Would you expect to be punished for something when you literally cannot control your behavior? Is that fair? Is that something that would be considered social appropriate? Because I don't think that it is. I don't think that it's fair to judge a person based on differences they cannot control. Mental disability, race, sexual orientation all of it. If there is something that is beyond a person's conscious control what gives ANYONE the right to assume the role of God or karma over that person's life? Nothing. 

If you can't handle differences then I implore you to try to learn what makes the differences apparent. I beg you to understand differences at their roots and try to at least respect that someone else is different from you, that there is no way of changing that and that there is nothing wrong with this. It shouldn't be this hard. 

***I don't actually know the person I overheard the people talking about. I overheard enough of the story though to know that this person is mentally disabled which is why it made an impact in my life. 

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