Monday, January 27, 2014

I Hate Mondays

Mondays will just never be easy. There's just too much to do. Most of my Mondays start the night before at 11pm when I pack my lunch for the day. Then I search my house for all of the stuff I need to complete my 16 hour day the next day. This usually consists of all of my texts books, my GRE prep book, my wallet, filling up my water bottle and then tracking down my keys. Once I finally finish that, I get to sleep (normally) until 8 am before I have to get up, get Rey, catch a bus to my 9 am class, sit through class then get to my job by 10, work until 3, insert various activities between 3 and 5, go to class from 515-630, have a snack, go to chapter until whenever it is that we end. Mondays. Last. Forever. 

Today was extra long due to having to wake up at 6:30am to get ready for the day so that I was read for rush at 7pm. And then rush. And then home. Mondays are hard.

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