Thursday, January 16, 2014

Work Real Hard

"The ONLY way to get what you want in this world is through hard work!"- Tiana- Princess and the Frog- 2009

Clearly I couldn't decide on quotes or pictures today *however* I did decide to try cooking real food today! It is one of my goals to learn how to cook. I understand how to make things via instructions on the back of boxes and I REALLY like how I make corn casserole (its really fattening and has a ton of carbs and butter and cheese and its delicious let me tell you) but I want to be able to make something from memory or scratch without following the back of my mac and cheese box. Today I took a first step and baked some chicken. It's a small effort and not really that hard but I'm the kind of cook who decided she would rather figure out how to make bean burritos than fajitas. How long cooking can take drives me insane. I don't want to wait two hours for my old to be done. I barely want to wait fifteen minutes! And that is why actually taking the hour and ten minutes to prep and cook my chicken is a big deal to me. 

I have an interesting relationship with being patient. It would be better for my physical and mental health if I could be patient all the time but when it comes to food my patience flies out the window. Gone. It tells me "what you actually want to wait? Uh uh, no, not happening. Goodbye girl, you're on your own." This will be something to work on. The only way I am going to get better at cooking and gain a knack for it is by working at it. Hard. So I would like to add the challenge of trying three new recipes a month to my ever growing list of activities and things to accomplish. I believe in me. Blue skies and sunshine! 

That was literally my face when I finished my chicken. I officially understand Tiana's pride in this picture.

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