Sunday, January 12, 2014

Past Present Future

"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift and that is why it is called the present"- Unsure 

My present consisted of going to the mall and finding hidden treasures that I had forgotten I owned. And then I proceeded to laugh hysterically at the Golden Globes. Pretty solid way to spend a Sunday in my opinion and being able to spend my Sunday this way is a privilege. A privilege that I guarantee not many people think about. Being able to go to college and procrastinate and even have a social life while there are people out there who are not able to feed or house themselves let alone put someone through college or have the ability to procrastinate on something because if they do they might not make it to their shelter on time. Days like today make me think about how many people I know, including myself, who fail to think about those who are less privileged on a daily basis and what we can do about it. Our expectations about what 'today' will bring us could be the catalyst that results in somene else's worst nightmare. Our gift could be taking away someone else's privilege and I feel like not that many of us take that into consideration on a daily basis.  Maybe I am just too much of a believer in Karma or maybe I just worry too much but I think that we all need to be aware of the possible negative consequences the gifts of today might bring. We need to humble ourselves and pay gifts forward. Make tomorrow's mystery a gift for someone else. 

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