Saturday, January 11, 2014

Confidence is Key

"I am a princess. I am brave sometimes, I am scared sometime. Sometimes I am brave even when I’m scared. I believe in loyalty and trust. I believe loyalty is built on trust. I try to be kind. I try to be generous. I am kind even when others are not so generous. I am a princess. I think standing up for myself is important. I think standing up for others is more important but standing with others is most important. I am a princess. I believe compassion makes me strong. I believe kindness is power. And family is the tightest bond of all. I have heard I am beautiful. I know I am strong. “I promise and when I promise something, I never ever break that promise.” I am a princess, long may I reign." I am a Princess- Disney Commercial

After multiple tests to my patience (between last night and today) and a few other, less significant frustrations today, I won a contest for a free princess bow from a shoppe (Taylor'sThingamabobs) on Etsy. I follow Taylor on twitter and I won't lie, sometimes she drives me insane without flat out full of her self she can be however, the girl practically lives by the quote "I am a princess. Long may I reign" from the commercial script posted above. I commend her for that. 

It takes a strong and confident individual to not let themselves be effected by name calling and negativity. She's received a ton of it for reasons I understand and reasons I don't. But she doesn't let it get to her as much as it would most people. As much as it would bother me. I like to think and act as though I'm a pretty tough individual. For the most part I am. Constant negativity and constant bullying however would ruin me in a matter of days. There's no need for that kind if behavior in the world. It just not something that should exist and I plan on being there to lessen it as much as possible this semester with the kids that I will be working with starting next week. I will be walking in to my internship with my head held high ready to behave like the princess I am. Like the princess (or prince) we all are.

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