Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Go To Them

"You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

Today I was evaluated by my site supervisor at my internship and I was able to work more hands on in the class room with the youths. I've been pretty standoffish with my interactions so far just because I've been trying to catch my bearings at my site and the kids can be kind of intimidating. This morning I decided to be more productive with the students. Instead of studying for the GRE or just waiting for the  teachers to need me in the classroom I just jumped in to the classroom and tried to help as many of the kids as possible.

All of the mentors met as a group and talked about goals for the semester. All of us are trying to achieve different things but will all be working together to achieve these goals. Personally I want to become as involved as possible in the treatment of these youths, motivate them to progress and be successful in their program, and I would really like to become heavily involved in four of the youths lives. 

SIDENOTE: IT MIGHT SNOW TOMORROW!!! And based on how cold and wet it was today, I can absolutely see it snowing tomorrow.

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