Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ties that Bind

Today was my last day home, presumably for another two or three months. I enjoy going home but I won't lie and say I would rather be staying at my house over going back to my school. I just don't like being stuck in my house and that is pretty much all I did over the break due to my foot.
 I love my family, despite all of our drama and everything that we have been through. We've been able to over come so many tests and trials and losses. There is no way I would be able to have gotten this far with out them and though I don't say it nearly as often as I should, each one of them knows I love them and appreciate each lesson they've taught me. Which is a large amount if you were wondering. My family on my mother's side alone is around forty people.

Leaving isn't an easy thing for me even though I am excited to go back to school.  My heart breaks everytime I have to leave my nephews and tell them I'll be back soon. They are so little and all I can think about are all of the things I won't be there to see. I wasn't raised by my parents, I was raised by myself and my sibling. All I want to do is be a big part of my nephews' life the way their parents were a part of mine. 

Leaving also reminds me of all the family members I don't get to spend a whole lot of time with every break. Aunts, cousins, my grandmother. The categories don't do the amount of people I failed to appropriately interact with justice.  As I get older and pay more attention to my surroundings family becomes more and more important to me. While it hurts to leave then behind for another semester I have to remind myself that I am going back to anoter family at school. My roommates, sorority sisters, friends and coworkers make up my pseudo family while I am away. I'm going to try to look at it as though I am not leaving my family behind but rather seeing more of them.


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