Monday, January 6, 2014

Standing By Me

"Good friends will help you until you're unstuck."- Winnie the Pooh

The first day back at school was not easy. Sitting down and motivating myself to write this instead of just crashing my head onto my pillow and escaping to dream land was also not easy. From waking up six hours earlier than normal to hobbling around my hilly campus with crutches in fortyh degree weather the change of scenary and routine from the past three weeks was very difficult. Most people on campus weren't even paying attention to this first day back. There's a little championship game going on tonight, no big deal or anything just has everyone distracted.  Besides that though, it was a bleak day. Roomate and I came home exhausted and cold and generall ready to just give up on today. I will hand it to him though, he really came through for my poor, crippled self today. A bunch of people did. And I am so grateful for that. Something I have forgotten to mention until now is how appreciative I am of all the people who assisted me with any and everything while I was still at home. 

I walked out of the house 45 minutes early just so I could avoid being late for my nine am class. Forty. Five. Minutes. I left the house at 8:20! This whole crutches business needs to end very soon. Anyway, after leaving that early, taking 10 minutes to hobble down what is usually a  3 minute path, and finally catching a bus to the other side of campus I made it to my class on time. Yay, woo, good for me and the universe. Then a friend bought me breakfast and basically let me loiter around his house for five hours. You sir are fantastic. The roommate then took over KaitlinWatch and *carried around all of my stuff* for the rest of the day. You sire are also fantastic and I love you. A sister also helped out today, providing me with transportation to pick up this semester's books. 

All of this would have been much more difficult without everyone's assistance. While I may not consider myself to be a social butterfly and have five million friends, I will say that I am so lucky to have the people who are involved in my life and who do put up with me and my shenanigans.

Thank you to all of you. 

Side note: I didn't drink any soda today!! Its a small step but I'm proud of it. 

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