Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Day Repeated

I am used to having similar days, especially now that I am writing them down, but the similarities between today and yesterday are quite striking. My sleep schedule was the same, what time I woke up this morning was exactly the same, and what I did for the rest of my day was eerily similar as well. 

I called a cab (again) and the cab driver was nice, attentive, and interesting (again). I talk with a ton of people on a weekly basis and I hear a ton of different stories. These two cab drivers, while they did have different stories, spoke with me about the same things. They made the same impression. 

The day continued on with me getting to work early so that I could find food items and then going in to work which is pretty much always a similar experience. Afterword I sat at the same table and played the same game that I did yesterday. Once I was home, my nephew made me watch "Frozen" again and again I ended up putting him to bed. 

I feel like there is a glitch in the Matrix.

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