Saturday, August 16, 2014

"No Offense But"

There are days during this blog adventure where I know exactly what I am going to write about as soon  as it happens. Today was going to be one of those days and then I sat myself down and thought it over. How do I write about what happened with out seeming like a petty bitch?  How do I explain to the like 5 people who read this the emotions that I was feeling whil this happened while also not hurting anyone's feelings? I haven't figured it out yet to be honest so I won't write the post I was planning. I am still going to talk about it though. 

Today I was faced with a situation where I could either speak up or stay quiet and I chose to stay quiet much to miss Amanda's disagreeance. I overheard some things (about me) that left me seething at and disappointed in those who were saying them.  In addition to that, I was hurt by their opinions on the matter which leaves me further confused on what to do. Lex (below, from The Tribe) is probably the best physical representation of the feelings of that moment.

Everyone has probably experienced the moment of finding out someone they truste has betrayed them. It's what we do afterwards that makes these experiences unique. Afterwards I came up with various reactions and some of them made me question what kind of person I am. 

All I wanted to do was come home and either cry or beat something. I didn't do either but the urges to do both still haven't quite gone away. Instead I put on my new The Little Mermaid swim suit and took my nephew for a swim.

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