Saturday, August 9, 2014

Another Concert Post

Amanda, Alexis, and I have been waiting for this day since March and we were so glad that it finally got here!

Of course we were going mainly for AFI who started the show. But first we had to sit in this 2 hour and 10 minute line. Why? Well, even through we got there at 4:40 planning to walk in at 5:30, the band for 30 Seconds To Mars NEVER SHOWED UP for their meet and greet so that pushed back sound check which pushed back EVERYTHING else. 

We finally got to the VIP field section around 640 and AFI took the stage at somepoint. They were fantastic as always despite some technical issues with Davey's mic. Unfortunately for the fans of the band, the guys didn't get to do an elaborate set like we're used to but we will take the 8-9 songs that we were given. I know I have talked quite a bit about Hunter Hayes on here but AFI was my first real obsession. I came home one day from middle school and I turned on MTV. On my television was this guy: 

Singing about murder and holding a bunny in some video for some song called "Miss Murder."  I can't actually tell you how much I disliked this song and video the first time I heard it. Then I started coming home envy day and it was on. Eventually I caught myself singing along and then I looked it up and found other songs and that is how my obsession with AFI (Davey Havok in particular) began. That was also the start of my punk/alt stage. I learned EVERYTHING I could possible get my cursor on about this band and this man. They were my outlet. This is what I did to not worry about anything else and they could not be a better band to fall in love with. Yes Davey might look a little odd in that picture for a punk rock/alt/screams/emo frontman but he's also a staight edge, vegan, animal activist who doesn't have a bad side that I've been able to find. Nowadays Davey looks more like this:

Which fits him just as well as multitude of other looks has. He is a man of many haircuts.

Any way, their set was pretty sick. At one point Davey made it to our side of the stage and we were some of the only people in our section who were singing along to the now 15 year old song. Amanda and I both ended up pointing at Davey and you know what? He pointed back! I kind of freaked out for the rest of the song. 

However, that was nothing compared to what happened as the guys headed off stage. We were standing to the side where all of the bands were going to enter and exit so I knew to look for them. Strangely, we we the only ones (who seemed to be) paying attention to this side and I managed to catch all four of the band members getting in to a golf cart. I turned to my girls and said, "Golf Cart golf cart golf cart! Guys!" And then I started waving at the golf cart. I don't know exactly what I was expecting but it all seemed to happen in slow motion. Adam Carson (the drummer) and Hunter Burgan (the bassist) noticed me (and Amanda and Alexis as I later learned) waving at them and waved back! My response was shrieking and jumping up and down which led to Jade Puget (guitar) looking at us and slowly waving. This resulted in even more screaming which caused Davey to pop his head around Jade to look at us as well. BEST MOMENT EVER!

Amanda decided she was done at that point and that nothing could get better so she sat down in that spot and didn't move from it until we left. However, we still had two more bands to get through. 
30STM  took the stage just as it was starting to get dark and their fans were intense. It felt like a religious experience. Jared Leto came out looking like a new age Jesus Christ and they all seemed to treat him like he was. Their set was very high energy but I'm going to credit that to what ever it was that Jared was on because he was insane. It was like watching Jim Morrison reincarnated. At one point he jumped over the gate (and literally on to Amanda) just to run through the crowd and then part them as though they were the Red Sea. He was a really good vocalist though and put on a good show despite the fact that I only knew 7 songs and he autisti-fied my favorite. Shortly after he asked for a show of hands if this was their first time seeing Thirty Seconds to Mars live and we made some noise. He then followed that with the sentence: "That is a lot of virginity to take. I'm tired already" /Facepalm

Linkin Park took the stage around 10:00 and even though I didn't know half of the songs that they played, Chester is a ferocious performer. I mean he's an animal on stage. I was not expecting his vocals to be as raw and as identical to the studio versions as they were. Holy hell. Shinoda was pretty sick as well and the pforman as whole was just so loud and bright and exciting and whoa. Alexis and I were moshed on and I almost decked one of them in the face but that didn't happen. 

Overall it was a kickass show to have been a part of. We were all pretty statisfied with how things went. Worth all the standing.

And here is an artistic picture of our feet.

Oh my goosshhhhhhh

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