Monday, August 18, 2014

Dazed and Confused

Feel asleep at 9pm, woke up at 2 to get water. I will fill out everything tomorrow 

Now that I am able to update everything on here, Monday was a tiring day. I wasn't able to fall asleep until around 3:30 in the morning so waking up at 7 was not fun at all. Nevertheless, it was done. I made it to work which wasn't awful. One of the managers and I put up a window cling that made me wish I had my sisters patience for hanging things. After that it was Elsa dress frenzy time but it strangely didn't happen. Yes it picked up later in the day but most of the time when new Frozen merch pops up its like moths to a flame. 

Oh well.  After work I came home and went swimming in order to keep myself from napping. This however led to me falling asleep before Teen a wolf started and then put me behind in blogging, ugh.

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