Saturday, August 2, 2014

Road Trip Princesses

Not really but close enough. 

The first day of August saw Amanda and I returning to our road tripping ways and heading to Tallahassee so that I could help my old roommates clean. Now, I purposely made this post late because I didn't want it distracting me while I cleaned the Tallahassee apartment so it wasn't just a "oh no I put it off" type of thing. 

I spent the majority of the daytime hours at work and then Amanda and I finally got on the road at 730. This was two and a half hours behind schedule which meant that we got to Tallahassee around midnight and then to the apartment around one in the morning. 

I the proceeded to clean the kitchen, my shard bathroom, scrub multiple stains out of the carpet , nod I tried to get all of the stuff off of the windows. Unfortunately, I was not able to gt everything off the windows nor was I able to sleep.

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