Monday, August 25, 2014

Till It's Gone

I never quite realized how much time I spent on the internet or playing iPad games until the last few days. I left my iPad at Catherine's house and I can honestly say it has been an eye-opening experience for me. Am I mildly worried about my Sim's game? Yes. I have quite a few elder Sim's who could pass away before I get them back. But, there is nothing I can do about that right now. Catherine was going to bring it to me today but she left it at home. And that might actually be a good thing. You see, now that my iPad is inaccessible I have rediscovered my computer and what it means to not constantly be connected to the outside world. I've been less distracted, I've gone swimming, I went to bed at a decent hour. Now if I can only focus on learning the rest of the road signs and rules I will be all set for my permit test!

Speaking of things that are normally gone, I GOT TO SEE ILANA TODAYYYY! The poor baby had surgery on her jaw so we could only get ice cream but I got to see her none the less! I miss my frand :( I will hopefully get to see her again in September but if I don't it will be December for sure! I know she is going to have a great fall semester of her SENIOR YEAR at NYU. I cannot wait to see where this girl goes

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