Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's Game Day

But that doesn't matter for me because if I were to actually watch the Seminoles play then we would lose. REALLY BADLY. I checked the score and the other team scored. Time to turn back to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

In none football related news, I HAVE ALL OF THE THINGS NECESSARY FOR MY PERMIT IN TWO WEEKS! My birth certificate is here, I completed the DATA course, I am reviewing the road rules and signs, and my proof of residency stuff will be finished by then. Next up on the list of things to do is actually stick to some sort of diet. And find a Halloween costume.


Catherine said...

I can totally help with the shopping for a Halloween costume!

KatiCupcake said...

I'm having such a hard time deciding what I want to be this year :/