Saturday, August 2, 2014

No More Nightengale

Aside from the fact that Amanda and I are a pack of crazies and went to Tallahassee for a grand total of 9 hours, I experienced some seriously odd things today. For one, she introduced me to this interesting (read: bizarre, odd, weird) podcast called "Welcome to Night Vale" which she was introduced to by her friend Joyska. They are thoroughly entertained by this venture but it and all its glorious weirdness was too much for my brain to handle on the car ride back home so it put me to sleep. Consistently. 

My sleeping abilities are pretty impressive, I can sleep anywhere. But listening to that podcast is like being sedated for me. And it's not that it wasn't interesting, I'm just so overly tired that I couldn't focus on what was going on and the narrator's voice as Ceceil was like listening to a bedtime story.

We eventually made it home, the two of us exhausted. I went to the last ten minutes of my nephews birthday party and then we came home where I babysat and played Sims in order to keep myself awake until right now. Goodnight.  

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