Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Suzy Tuesday's Recap

This one was late. I didn't intend for it to be but Tuesday was just such a long day that I came home did maybe three of the twelve things I planned to do and then passed out. I started my day by heading to Catherine's around 7 o' clock which is earlier than I have been awake in weeks. I got there and she and I took Penny out for a quick walk and then she made whole grain banana pancakes with eggs! Everything was super delicious and I have no idea how she does it. 

We started our day at Busch Gardens around 1030 and we were going to start with Cheetah Hunt but it was closed. Instead we moved to Montu and, while I think she enjoyed going, poor Catherine had to scream the whole time in order to breathe. We also were greeted by rain as we pulled out of the station on Montu so that was unexpected. The rain also meant ride shut downs for the entire park so we went to look at all the animals instead! Around 2 hours later we were able to get on Rhino Rally, Cheetah Hunt, and then Congo River Rapids before the rain set in again and we decided to go home.

Catherine made ride and beans for Alex, Austin, herself and I and they were awesome as well! Then we watched "Saving Mr. Banks" which has given me some inspiration for the next coming weeks.

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