Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hobbits Three Times

I am so bummed that I didn't take any pictures today! Oh well.

Anyway, today started early and dramatically. I was up at 6:50 to start getting ready for Friend Thursday with Catherine and Brandi which was tons of fun. Unfortunately, the morning plans were a little bumpy. You see, my brother in law was taking me out to Catherine's house on his way to work when his alternator decided to die so we had to change our plans and head to the autoshop instead. After acquiring a rental car and cleaning out his car, we were back on track and I managed to get to Catherine's around 9:40.

Once friend Thursday had begun it went pretty quickly. I did my makeup and then we went to the salon for Catherine to get her eyebrows done. We went home for a bit before grabbing Taco Son. We went inside the little place this time and it was super quaint and of course really yummy. I offered to bring Brandi some but unfortunately she didn't want Mexican food. We met up with her around 1 at the Brandon mall and we started to search for boots. This did not go very well but I did find a Frozen coloring book to use at work and I bought some Godiva biscuits. Today's title comes from adventures at Books A Million which is where I acquired the coloring book! We were looking at some behind the scenes books and found a Lord of the Rings one and we started saying "Hobbits!" over and over again and the team member on duty over heard us and joined in!

Eventually we went back to Catherine's where we had cookies, watched Amazing Spiderman 2, took Penny for a walk and found turtles, played a quick round of Just Dance 2014, and then Catherine made us dinner!

It was a good day and I'm glad that we got to hang out with Brandi before she goes back to Tally!

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