Friday, August 8, 2014

Changed Some Things

While the last two days were eerily similar, today has been a day all its own. It started with my sister waking me up in the middle of dream which means I can't remember what the dream even was. Then I was greeted with Starbucks so that I was awake enough to watch my nephew while my sister went to go get a hair cut. All was well until I noticed that my nephew (being the toddler that he is) had a poopy diaper.

Now, this poopy diaper wasn't your standard poopy diaper. Oh no. This diaper was the diaper from hell and had decided that, since the little one had not received a bath the night before, he was going to receive a bath today. There was baby all of this kid's back and tummy from where it had seeped out of the diaper. Way to go Pampers.

After I got him all cleaned up, my sister came home and decided to clean him again before he went to speech therapy and to pick up his big brother. I should have been working on my D.A.T.A. course but I elected to do laundry and shower before heading to work. Today was supposed to be my second day off for the week but I had a co-worker who was lovely enough to switch her shift tonight with mine from Tuesday so I worked 4-10 instead. It was an easy shift, I just wish more magic could have been made.

Once I got home all I wanted to do was detach my legs from my body and then crawl into my bed. however, that is not how tonight went. Instead, I called my cousin and received some information about possibly going to brunch with my grandmother. Afterwards Catherine and I briefly talked about birthday plans before I fell off the face of the planet while looking into permit/license stuff. My research led me to the conclusion that I needed to push back my appointment to take my test until I can find my birth certificate and my glasses. This reminds me that I need to have 100 dollars in 20's available for August the 26th which is when my appointment is now scheduled for. That give me two more weeks to finish my D.A.T.A. course, learn all the rules (I signed up for a class that should help with that today as well), find my birth certificate, find my glasses, and have my sister find two proof of residence papers and write a statement explaining as to why I live with her.

At least it is progress right?

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