Friday, August 15, 2014

Lost and Found

While my Birth Certificate is still missing and is going to cost 50 dollars to replace, I FOUND MY GLASSES!! I also got my work schedule and I am working during my appointment so I need to either find someone to switch with me or I need to reschedule the appointment. 

Finding my glasses was an adventure in its self though. I own two pairs and the pair I was looking for was not the pair my nephew and I found. I told him I was going to clean my room and he said "I want to help" because he's 6 and doesn't understand why my room looks the way it does. However, this was on the contingency that he gets to keep all the change he finds in my room. I've been paying Amanda and Brett that way for years, might as well right? We found my second set of glasses around 35 minutes into the excavation process that is cleaning my room. I have so many bags and boxes and containers that I keep things in it was a LITTTLLEE tricky but we succeeded! Afterwards he proceeded to go spelunking under my bed for change and found a charger cord I've been looking for since June!

Two steps down and three steps still to go but it is progress!

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