Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Novel

Boy Meets World Series Finale: "Brave New World"

I'm not entirely sure how to begin the end of the year post. I could write about how I went to Busch Gardens with Alexis and we stood in line for two hours. I could tell the world more about how I jumped at every scream and firework because I was expecting a hoard of people to come running. But that isn't really what this post is supposed to be about I guess.

A year ago today I saw a picture about how the next day was the first page of a 165 page book that challenges everyone who read it to make that book a good one. More than a hundred labels, 6331 views and countless pictures and I can't honestly say that I feel like 2014 has been a good or a bad year. It was been full of ups and downs, tears and laughter, fantastic moments and some of the saddest I've ever experienced, failure and successes. Do I think that tomorrow is the start of something better than this last year? Not particularly because tomorrow is the start of another book and it is up to me to make the changes I want to see in my life.

This year I had a multitude of things I wanted to see happen and I can guarantee you that I did not get to all of them. I did not go see the nutritionist and I didn't lose the weight that I wanted to lose. I did not manage to get any better at not disappointing myself.  I even missed blogging days because of one reason or another. But 2014 and this little experiment has taught me so much about my self and about others but we would be here for WAY too long if I tried to put all of those lessons into words. The cliff notes version would be that I am a born procrastinator and I don't know if I can change that, people will always surprise you, words are hard, and I really have a hard time reflecting on things.

I hope that anyone who reads this found a lesson for themselves this year and I hope that you, like me, are going to take those lessons as markers for a new life in 2015. I hope that whatever journey you were on or might still be on went/goes as smoothly as possible and that all of your resolutions and wishes come true.

In the words of Walt Disney- "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"

Well that is it I guess. My novel, the book that was my life for the last year, has come to a close. All the pages have been filled out and there is no more to say about 2014. Happy New Year friends.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chaos Does Exist

When I woke up this morning at my friends house I had no idea that today would be... exciting.

I figured that I would go to work and that it would be mildly obnoxious and then I would go home and continue packing. I had planned for this to be the case. I NEEDED this to be how it all panned out. It was not.

I wanted to write this elegant, P.C. post about how today's events occurred but I can't. I have no way of describing the fear on every person's face as they ran into my store seeking shelter. I can't tell anyone what hundreds of people screaming sounds like. I don't know where to start talking about what it felt like to see so many people hiding, COWERING in fear of losing their lives and the lives of their children. All I can tell you is what I saw happen.

Around four P.M. today I was standing at the front of my store when I witnessed around 15 people jump back and in to my store. Then I heard shouting and I saw hoards of people running for cover in stores and towards exits. A mother left her child in what she must have felt was the safety of my door way while she fought the sea of scared parents trying to get to her other child in the play area. Those three sentences took place in about 6 seconds. Then a stampede of around 70 people ran in to my store ignoring all calls for order and shouting about a shooting, a bombing, and fires all at the same time. When large crowds of people start to panic is it really easy for things to get out of control. That being said, we got them out of the store and evacuated to the outside of the mall without any casualties or injuries. While the rest of my team was doing said evacuation, I was trying to close the gates for everyone's protection. People were still running towards the store as I closed the gates and others were running out to find family members. Chaos at it's finest.

Eventually, the gates did close and I was able to direct those that I found hiding around the store as I made my way back to walk towards the other cast members. The only problem was many of those guests didn't speak English so instead of following verbal instructions we had to take the extra time to physically show them. But, like I said, everyone got out.

The duration of these events were maybe 6 minutes. Then myself and three of my other cast members sat in the back room and waited for someone to tell us what was happening. I called my sister and gave her a brief run down and told her to stay away from the mall. She said that she would go home and turn on the news so that she could give us updates about the villains running around the mall.
The news and social media informed us that said villains decided to break in to glass cases at a jewelry store and it sounded like gun shots so literally everyone started panicking and running and screaming and hiding. Finding out this information took the swat team, TPD, Highway Patrol, the FBI and I don't even know who else. At least they take shootings seriously I guess. 

Nearly an hour later the almighty "they" said everything was fine and the mall was no longer on lock down. We were free to open our stores and continue business as usual even though no one was caught. We followed these instructions and not even 20 minutes later I look up from the inside of the castle to see another mob of humans running and screaming. I stand up and there are 15 or so officers surrounding an individual on the stairs and that's I when I yelled to the others in the building and ran to shut the gates. We got them closed faster this time because of some assistance by another team member and then we went to the backroom for another 30-40 minutes and made more phone calls. The cops told us that it was safe to exit but they had also told us it was safe the first time. We were a little weary to listen again. 

When we finally decided to open we decided to do it right. We set up the stanchions and gathered a group of kids outside to call for Tink. If we were going to continue business we were going to use magic as a conduit for happiness. We walked the key down and had this huge group of kids count with us. Most of them RAN into the store to color and find new treasures. We handled that whole situation better than I EVER could have imagined, and I have. I have literally sat there and thought about what it could possibly be like to have to deal with a shooting or a threat. I don't think that even my wildest thoughts about the subject come close to what happened today. That being said, I'd say we were our own version of heroes today and that makes the craziness a little bit better.

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Special Surprise

I was able to do more laundry today!! But I did not get to sorting through the boxes like I wanted because I had to watch children before I went to go hang out with Ilana! We went to the mall down the street from my mall (they are literally mile straight mile down the road from each other) where we gossiped and I was able to have my favorite Chinese food. We shopped for shoes and new scents and I was able to FINALLY give her back the two dresses she lent me for my sorority functions.

Then it was time to go :( I will hopefully see her again for a Disney World trip though!!

Work was busy and kind of obnoxious but...  THEN BRETT SURPRISED ME WITH GREG! They drove here from Orlando and we all went to Brett's mom's house to have a slumber party.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Third Day Packing

And I still have not finished under my bed, I did however have to hang up like 200 t-shirts at work.

AND I was able to do finish the laundry I had yet to finish from college! Now if only I could catch up on standard laundry. And the rest of the packing. I was supposed to go finish under my bed from yesterday but laundry took too much time before work and starting that project at 10 when I finally came home was not an option so I guess it will have to be done sometime this week. UGH.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Four Things Packed

Yesterday's post saw me outlining my packing  schedule and on the agenda for today was organizing my bathroom, acquiring the knick knacks, and packing all the stuff under my bed.

These things did not happen. I had a really... tough is the word I'm going to use, day at work and ended up having to stay an extra hour. Then when I did get home everyone decided it was time for dinner and if I wanted to eat I had to go because the food that I purchased last Sunday is either gone or expired. Anyway, so we go to dinner and spend the next two hours there. My pasta was kind of gross but the cake was good so that is a plus. I was able to draw a half person out of blue crayon but he looks like Salvador Dali or Picasso decided to draw a boy band member.

So we get home and I am so incredibly tired that I sit on my bed and attempt to take that nap I had figured in to this schedule but to no avail. Three hours later I have half of my make shift night stand cleared off, three boxes and a duffle bag packed and nothing from under my bed has even been touched. Let's not talk about the bathroom.

Luckily I can start laundry tomorrow and then in between loads I'll be able to move around my room and re work things so that I can pack. Woo.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Last Five Days

It is really weird to think about where I was 5 days before the New Year last year. I was injured and angry because my injury was preventing me from doing so many things. I had no intention of doing anything interesting for the New Year and I certainly didn't expect for this blog to be part of the works. It is so funny to me now that even a year ago today, I would not have wanted to do this. And then I saw that picture. But we'll talk about that in five days.

These last five days will be spent packing because the first trip to Orlando is with Kayla in a week! After work tomorrow I am going to come home, probably take a nap, then organize my bathroom and start packing all of the stuff under my bed as well as the knick knacks through out my room. Sunday is going to consist of laundry if possible and if not then I am going to see if I can consolidate any of the boxes in the garage into other boxes. Monday will either start or pick up where Sunday leaves off in the laundry department which will be the main part of what is going to go with Kayla on Saturday. Tuesday will be more of the same with laundry but by then I will (hopefully) very little left to do. Wednesday is my main day off and I have to figure out if I am going to spend it packing or take a break and go have a final send off with my friends.

That is also New Year's Eve which will bring me full circle and I still haven't decided what I am going to with my blog in 2015.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Holly Jolly Christmas

And I'll also write this tomorrow when I am actually conscious because today has been a very long day.

Today started around 8 in the morning which isn't necessarily early but when you go to bed at like... 1:30 it is a little difficult. My nephew ran in and said "Kate! Kate! Wake up, it's Christmas!" like your average 6 year old should and then we all walked down stairs to open all the gifts that Santa brought us. I'm not going to sit here and list all of the nonsense that I was gifted but I will say that everything is useful except for the massive box of chocolate.

The big deal was my nephew's first video game console which is a Wii U and he sat there and played for 6 hours AND wouldn't let me leave because he "needed [my] help to defeat the bad guys." He was playing Skylanders, bad guys aren't really bad guys. Anyway, I had to sit there and help his little 6 year old brain figure out how to work it and what all the buttons do and what the point of the goals are. THIS IS SO MUCH MORE EXHAUSTING THEN YOU WOULD THINK! I don't understand how teachers can teach children anything because he did not want to learn. He just wanted to be able to do. We figured it out though, just in time for me to start getting ready for the big dinner.

Most years we invite the section of the family that we don't see on Christmas Eve over for dinner on Christmas day which we did this year as well. We mingled and had a really awesome dinner for a combined five and a half hours which is interesting because there were only 8 people in the house. Never the less, we shared stories of holidays passed and we talked about my mom. Those topics weren't necessarily Christmas-y but they were definitely entertaining!

 I hope everyone else had good Christmas! Now if we can all get though New Year's we should all be golden.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve Festivities

Last year I was not able to participate in the Christmas Eve shopping at my job because of my foot which was prohibiting me from standing for that long. This year my toe did not put up as much of a fight so I was cleared to stand. Can I just say that some people are just not smart? If someone you know asked for something that has literally been one of the top ten items the last two Christmases, why would you wait until Christmas Eve Day to try and find it for them? I just don't understand. Anyway, working on Christmas Eve was interesting. I made mini pumpkin pies for everyone to snack on while they were at work so I hope everyone had some and ended up having a great Christmas!
After work it was time to get ready for something that has been a Christmas Eve tradition in my family since the day I was born. For 22 years we have been going to one of my aunt's houses on Christmas Eve, nearly forty people every year travel to one house where we spend like 6 hours eating and talking and listening to the kids put on a show. This year we walked in to photographers huddling us all around my grandmother who is the matriarch of our family. Twenty five minutes later we finally had a decent enough picture for the photographer to wish us a Merry Christmas and head to his own Christmas Eve festivities. Soon it was time to eat and we gathered in a room to listen to my uncle talk for what we soon learned was the last time. A tradition that has been in my family since before I was born ended today and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. Of course, I understand the logistics of why it ended and the reasons and whatnot but that doesn't stop me from being sad about not being able to see all of my cousins at Christmas. Or feeling sorry for the kids who attended since they were born and will not longer be able to make memories like I did when I was their age.

I am sure someone will take over this tradition although I am not sure who it could be. Maybe I can fit all forty of us in my college apartment.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Post for Catherine

**NOTE: Somehow I wrote over or saved over this post with my Christmas Eve post so the date of this post is actually 12/26/14 but I have changed the date to accurately reflect when it was originally posted. Since I am having to rewrite it three days later I don't exactly know what all happened. ALSO: Wall of Text.

I didn't have to work so I ended up hanging out with Catherine at some point because it could end up being the last time we get to have best friend time before I move to Orlando. This thought is so scary. Grad school is right around the corner! AHH!!

We ended up going to shopping in order to try and find something for me to wear to Christmas eve dinner but we didn't find anything unfortunately. EVEN IN THE 80% OFF DILLARD'S WHERE WE SPENT FIVE BILLION YEARS!! We also made mini pumpkin pies for me to take to work.

Then she gave me my Christmas presents and they couldn't be more perfect! She bought me Pyrex casserole dishes (EEEPPPPPP!!!), measuring cups and spoons, and a scrub brush because she knows I hate sponges. They are perfect, she's perfect.

You know, when I joined my sorority it was to kill time. I was just out of IB where free time did not exist and I had so much time on my hand that I had to find something constructive to do. THUS, I joined DNZ. I didn't really know what to expect from such an unknown organization and I certainly did not expect to find the girls that I have! Of course I have quite a few favorites but I won't list them all because that would make this post a lot longer than it is going to be already. Alexis, Lauren, and Deviyani are absolute darlings and I am so incredibly grateful that my sorority brought them into my life. My big is the best big on the face of the planet and I love her so much and now I get to live near her and her sister who is also amazing! Kayla is probably one of the best friends I have ever had in my life when you look at things on paper. We balance each other out and we don't put up with nonsense from each other and I am so incredibly thankful to have her help in a few weeks!

Then you get to Catherine. In the beginning, I wasn't quite sure what to think of Catherine. She seemed queit and like she had a "type" for her friends but I was obviously wrong. I don't quite know when we started to hang out and I don't know how we became such fast friends but we did and I am so overwhelmed about thinking about much I am going to miss her in a few weeks. When she graduated and we did senior fly ups for her class, I was choking back tears talking about her in my send of speech. What was I going to do without her?? And then I managed to get through my semesters, graduate, and come home. We've seen each other and had girl time and giggles and nonsense at least once a week since. She's like family! It is so easy to be friends with someone who has nothing but honesty and light and every other personality trait with a positive connotation!!

There are people that you meet in your life who change it and Catherine is definitely one of those people for me. I've learned so many things just from being friends with her. I can't wait to continue to learn things from her and see what life has to bring this amazing human being :)


Monday, December 22, 2014

Six Hours Standing

Waking up at 7 in the morning after two days of being able to sleep till whenever you want was not easy. What else was not easy was standing and walking for 6 hours back at work. There is the part of my foot that is having to keep my balance now because my toe can't so it had tripled in size by the time I came home today. Speaking of coming home, the first thing I did was nap for three hours. Mostly because I was tired but also to get away from my foot and toe hurting so badly. The rest of the night was spent elevating said foot and icing said foot. There was a minor break for my favorite Mexican food but then it went right back to trying to fix my foot.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

I Have Discovered

That I cannot avoid sweets in December. After that pie set back I thought everything would be fine. But then work received a box of sweets from the company to keep everyone motivated (I.e. awake) for this last week. And I wasn't allowed to leave to get food because the other manager called out and I didn't pack food and there was only candyyyyy. I am a disgrace.

It is called Brownie Brittle as pictured below and it comes in a bunch of different flavors. The ingredients list isn't intimidating but it also isn't completely missing complex words you can't quite pronounce and the nutritional portion isn't terrifying either! AND THEY TASTE YUMMY! 

And it is going into my lunch that I am packing for tomorrow because I can't walk fast enough to get to the food court, purchase food, and back to work in thirty minutes with my foot like it is. Chicken sandwich for the win!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

After The Fall

As I begin writing this while watching The Holiday for the second time today, a commercial for a new mascara called full lash bloom by Covergirl comes on and the "packaging" of the commercial is enough to make me want to buy it so that it going to happen in the near future.

The day after the fall last year was rough. My foot was killing me and I was absolutely convinced that the boot they had given me was going to alter my walking pattern. This year's day after the fall wasn't quite as bad. My toe still hurts but not nearly as bad as yesterday. Walking is already easier. 

I knew that I had to get my note to work today so I made that a goal for the day along with going to Publix and getting Epsom salt to soak my foot in. My goal was also to get pie ingredients for mini pies to take to work but that didn't quite happen. Publix didn't have the ingredients I needed (WHO DOESN'T CARRY CANNED PUMPKIN PIE FILLING YEAR ROUND??) and we were in a time crunch so I just had to let it go. 

Now to sleep

Friday, December 19, 2014

368 Days Later

Literally a year and three days later I have fallen down the stairs again. This time however, my injury is on the other foot and it is my big toe which is fractured in two places. The foot people told me that this injury will take 6 weeks and that I really shouldn't work on it but what choice do I have? I MUST go back to work. They told me to take the weekend off which I am but they want me to only work 4 hours at a time. That's not an option. Monday will be a test run for now well my foot is going to up with life and then we'll just have to go from there.

On another note, I received the "you have an update on your financial aid page" email today which I actually why I was going down stairs when I broke my toe. After the urgent care visit I went back to the page to accept the aid awards and to start doing math. I also wrote down all the important dates that are posted on the websites so far in my planner and desk calendar. I will be prepared for this first semester!!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Productivity In Sight

I have a few hours before work so I am going to organize a few things and do some laundry. Woo.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Money Matters Most

All I want to be able to type here is how scared I am after doing research into the money that I need to go to school but I don't even know where to start being scared. Ughhhhh. I really dislike June me who said "lets save 2000 dollars" and then didn't have the resolve to actually do it. I guess now everything is just a waiting game until I hear back from the financial aid office and can go from there. What do I actually do if they tell me I can't have student loans? Is that something they can tell me??? 

I will say that UCF's website is really confusing and that it is a miracle that I even discovered the things that I did about my situation. Now if I could only discover how to fix it AND how to access my classes. Or WHERE to access my classes.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Vegetable Pot Pie

Yesterday was full of good things which I had hopes would continue through today. Knows kind of correct. My day did not start early with laundry and packing duties like I had planned. Instead, my phone ended up under my bed so instead of waking me up it just made me mad that I couldn't find it. So when I found it,  I hit snooze. Rather I thought I did because I slept for two hours before being locked in my room by my broken door knob for another two hours. It is safe to say I was not able to get any more laundry done.

The rest of the day was spent doing odd ball things like sitting with my nephew at his dentist appointment and trying to explain to him how to play with an Xbox controller as well as planning an impromptu sleepover with Catherine and helping her making vegan vegetable pot pie with homemade biscuits! Bread dough has an awful texture just so everyone knows. 

The Right Direction

I ran out of time yesterday to write the post for the day but that is only because I was at work until 11 and then I came home and had to go to sleep."why didn't you write it during the day?" Well, because I had to clean my room (kinda) and a bunch of stuff happened during the day!

I randomly received a phone call from my manger about how she was calling my soon to be manager to confirm my transfer! I've never really expected to be complimented on my magical abilities but today I was and it is what will keep me sane in my new environment!

Right after that phone call I received another one but this time it was from the apartment complex. They told me that the girl I am subleasing came in to sign her portion of the sublease and that once they sent me everything for my last signature we would just be waiting on the property manager's approval. 

These are two really big steps in making the transition to Orlando successful and while they didn't get finished by December first like planned, they are officially checked off the list! Now to officer out exactly how I am paying for school and how I am moving to Orlando. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Today Was Basic

I'm pretty sure that this post's title is a repeat title but I am actually too tired to go investigate my posts. Because yesterday was so busy and because my day today started early, I am really tired. I opened at work and I felt confident in my opening which hasn't happened in a while. Then I came home and watched a disney movies with my nephew and then How the a Grinch Stole Christmas.

Also, the Santa challenge has started in my sims game which makes me happy. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Like Animals-Mals

I only titled this post after that Maroon Five song because it played so many times on the way to the day's adventures.

Given that it was my day off and the plans for today were made nearly a month ago, my day started at 8:00am. I had 50 minutes to get ready for a day at Busch Gardens for Christmastown shenanigans. 

Once we arrived to Busch Gardens and determined that said Christmastown shenanigans didn't start until 4:00pm, we decided to go find some rides and take the train to see animals which were super cute as usual. There was this one giraffe that I am not entirely sure was real because of how still it was and our train didn't get to have a sing along but it was fun regardless. After getting all up close and personal with one of  the tigers in Jungala as well as some adventures in Stanleyville, we eventually headed to this dinner thing which was a buffet style holiday dinner.THE MASHED POTATOES AND GRAVY WERE SO INCREDIBLY GOOD I CAN'T EVEN BEGIN TO TELL YOU ABOUT THEM!! And the whole no bad sugars thing kind of died at that dinner because there was pumpkin cheesecake that the specially went and found downstairs after I asked about it. I will say though that the sugar intake has been less than the last three months so I am still proud of my resolve. 

Christmastown and lights started once we finished dinner which put me on a mission to find hot chocolate in this collectible cup because it was cold. And because I know I will be back this season. This adventure proved to be very difficult! And when we did find hot chocolate they didn't give me my whipped cream, those hooligans. 

Overall though the lights were pretty and we had fun. Now to go on the Christmastown adventure with Alexis!! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Not combative, honestly

I've learned over the last few months that, even though I am not a combative person, I will argue with you if I know I'm right. I will also prepare to argue with you if I think you're about to argue with me. I'm not quite sure where that comes from but I've noticed my self coming up with counters before someone says anything about an issue. I blame being worried that I'm doing something wrong so often.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

I Slept In

I haven't slept passed 9:00am in about two weeks. That changed this morning when I ended up sleeping until 11:30. Then I woke up and messed with my hair some more. I have officially decided to chop more of it off because there is a section of it that just won't behave. It will grow back, it is just  hair.

After this trivial pursuit, I marathoner Law and Order SVU for three hours before work which was hectic. Back in the morning!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Keep Reflecting Forward

I walked Anderson home from school because he hates going to karate and then I closed the store. I missed American Horror story but I'll catch up on that later. On the way to his school I passed the baseball fields that I have seen thousands of times. It has my grandfathers name attached to it which I think is pretty cool, even if I don't remember him.

I also passed my middle school which was tons of fun to reflect on. I have the memory of an elephant when it comes to school. I remember every inch of that campus and my schedules. I probably spent about 25 minutes just staring at the track remembering track and field practices and all the times I thought about just running to my grandmothers house and skipping school. Good times.

What I really wanted to talk about was this quote from the lead singer of Thirty Seconds to Mars:

We all go through moments where we completely doubt our abilities or where we second guess why were are where we are. Even moments where we absolutely hate who we have surrounded ourselves with and the choices we've made. We can't let ourselves do that very often and when we do have to go through the moments, it helps to have something that brings us out of them. Mine recently was his quote. It is so obvious but still, it meant a lot to me. I went for anger crying to completely fine when I found it the other day. I like it so much that it even replaced a Hunter Hayes background picture. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What, wait, really

Everything is turned in for my apartment! Now I just have to wait on signatures from the girl I am subleasing everything from and I will be all set! 

Other than that wonderful news, today was fairly run of the mill. I went to work where I feel like I was able to get quite a bit done. Then I came home and watched three Disney movies with my sick nephew, bought Busch Gardens tickets, and talked to Kayla. 

Time to go mess with my hair and see if it needs to have more chopped off

Monday, December 8, 2014

Twelve Catherine Hours

Days off are just meant to be spent with Catherine it seems. I already had scheduled a hair cut in the early morning which Catherine took me too. Then we grabbed TacoSon and went back to her apartment where new friend Jake (from State Farm) was waiting to make brownies and generally be awesome with us. For the next ten hours we criticized the Barefoot Contessa lady, went out to get ingredients for brownies from scratch, made the brownies, watched movies, ate the brownies (I KNOW I SAID NO SUGAR BUT THEY WEREN'T OUT OF THE BOX AND THEY WERE SO GOOD)  watched more movies, talked about presents, had pizza, and played cards.

12 hours with Catherine goes so much faster than 12 hours with anyone else. I'm going to miss her so much when I move... Which means more Disney trips >:]

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Pretty Simple Day

I might have consumed a whole small pizza today and I might not be slightly angry with myself for it but I was hungry and it was over the course of seven hours. Things I am proud of though include how I set up the store this morning and driving my brother in law to Publix tonight. 

One More Missed

So I missed yesterday's post but in my defense I was running on like 5 hours of sleep and the bus had no wifi. AND then I had to work! When I came home, after doing action x, y, and z to prevent bed bugs and crying in the shower from exhaustion, I HAD TO GO TO BED. I finally passed out at 8 pm 

Friday, December 5, 2014

CHE Number Three

Coming to you live from the Greyhound bus station,  this is fangirl Kaitlin heading to Jacksonville for her third Hunter Hayes concert and Coffee House Experience. Today started at 5:30 am after maybe four hours of sleep because my bus leaves at 7:45 so I had to be here early, luckily the cab driver let us go through McDonald's or I would be dead. I will be checking I with updates... Probably tomorrow because wifi and data are expensive.

After a few stops along the way to Jacksonville, I finally arrived around 12:30. I makes over of my hotel which wasn't that impressive from the outside but the inside kind of made me feel like the kid in Home Alone 2 when he checks in to the really fancy hotel. Of course I wasn't in Jacksonville for the hotel, I was there for Hayes. I finished getting ready and called my cab around 2:00. But this is where the first hiccup happened. The cab driver dropped me off about a mile too far south of my venue so I had to run to meet up with Jessica and her family before her first meet and  greet. Luckily I was able to say hi but it was freezing and humid and windy and foggy. Gross. That all changed at 3:00pm when we were escorted in to the CHE room.

It changed which was expected. But I got to sit in the front row! And meet some other Hayniacs! Nearly and hour later Hunter finally joined the party. He was different this time because he felt under the weather. I didn't ask a question because I didn't have one but being in the front we got to see his face light up at all the creative questions and see how much he talks with his hands. It was really fun none the less.

Fast forward four hours through standing in line for the pit and finally getting to the front of the pit only to sacrifice the spot for the side and regretting it later. The first hour was kind of miserable a because of all the people and this girl in a turquoise dress who would not stop leaping over people to get to the cat walk. Finally I decided to just integrate in to the middle and run between catwalks and then it started to get fun. I invited Jessica to join me and the rest of the night was awesome! Can't wait to see him again! 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Change of Plans

Not big plans obviously. Just that my schedule at work was changed to close today so I write this in the morning instead. So far today I haven't done much except for straiten my hair. BUT! The change of plans I am talking about in in reference to the concert tomorrow! I originally had decided that I would just hang out all night in the Greyhound station but that's dumb. So, I went back to Expedia and decided to do one of the 40% off unlisted hotel booking things. By some grace of god, I got the hotel that I needed!

Now I just have to get through my shift at work and then pack. THEN HUNTER HAYES!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

An Uneventful Day

First of all, ONLY 2 DAYS TILL HAYES!!

Now that the excitement is out of the way I can talk about today. Oh wait nothing really exciting happened today. I bothered my brother in law about signing his guarantor paper work so that my lease in Orlando can be finished, I call Busch Gardens about Christmastown, I talked to Expedia about how stupid they are, and then I went to work 2 hours early because I can't read my schedule.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Suzy Tuesday Reprise

It looks like I am again off on Tuesdays so Catherine and I were able to bring back our day from summer and make it so that we got too lend sometime together today! We were able to use my groupon for a Tampa staple called EATS American Grille! I think its really yummy and Catherine seems to be a big fan of their fish tacos which means you should also go if you live in the area. Then we headed home after searching for a Christmas music station and attempting to make it to the bank before it closed. Once home (and being the avid OUAT fans that we are), we decided to watch last Sunday's episode and it made me mad. Luckily, I had homemade popcorn ala Catherine to help!

Now, I know I swore off sweets for December but today my sister brought home pumpkin pie and because I only have it maybe twice a year I decided that 1 piece would not hurt me. I have not had any candy or chocolate or cookies or doughnuts or the like which is really what I am trying to wean myself off of for the spring. I'm not worried about my resolve falling and me going and buying a whole pie. 

I ALSO FOUND A POLE STUDIO IN ORLANDO!! And it is near campus! I am so excited! 

Monday, December 1, 2014

31 More Days

I tried to find a picture or a quote that fit today but beginning of the end stuff was all depressing and I didn't  anything in my repertoire that I could pass on to you for inspiration so instead, you get a pun. If you can figure it out I've give you a cookie. You know, because I'm avoiding those and I'm sure there are a ton to be given.

There are so many things that I didn't accomplish this year. Like cooking and losing weight. I need to go sign up for my pole classes which I will do tomorrow because it is my day off and this is stupid. I have spent a year holding my self accountable for all of my nonsense and I still just kind of shrug it off. I am not able to motivate my self with letting myself down as the consequence. It just doesn't happen unfortunately. Maybe with more time? I'll have to give it some more thought.

December arrived wet and with a high of 76 degrees. Christmas time is not supposed to be this Floridian but as my sister keeps saying: "it's El NiƱo." (Whatever that means, I don't actually know.)
December means that I have roughly thirty more days of being a lead at work and I couldn't be more excited to give the reigns back to people who want to control things. I'll stick to sweeping. It also means that school is  just around the proverbial corner and it brings light to the cruel truth that I did not save the money I was supposed to save. Yes I have some of it but for 7 months worth of saving, it's deplorable. December will hopefully see me get the rest of my life in order. I should have my lease signed and turned in by the end of this week which I am going to be congratulating myself for by going to see Hunter Hayes. Now if only I could clean my room.