Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

I hope everyone had a good day regardless of if you celebrated. I went to brunch with my family and it was nice. Worst biscuits and gravy ever but it was definitely nice. 

For those of you who don't know my story, let me give you a little insight. That is not my father. He's one of the closest things that I have to a father but he's technically my sister's. That is also not my mother. But, they both did their fair share in raising me so they're parents none the less. Some of my best memories are with these two and I'm lucky to count them as one of my sets of "pseudo" parents if you will. They've always been very proud and supportive of my accomplishments and decisions and they are the type of people who will wish me nothing but good things in all I do. Positivity is appreciated.  Love you guys. Happy Father's Day Dad.

I never used to celebrate Father's day. All it was in my house for a long time was a anther day in June except not as big of a deal as that day in May for the other parent. You see,  I was raised for the first 9 years of my life by a single mother in her 40's who (from what I've been told) essentially asked a family friend and neighbor if he would be willing to have a child with her. So normal right? Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that isn't the way it went down. But that's the way I've condensed it down after gathering information from multiple sources. Anyways, I've met my father and his three boys. They were my neighbors growing up. Did I know that? Not until much later. When my father found out that I knew who he was and what happened and why he was never in my life all he did was cry. I was sitting in the backseat of my sister's Jeep at my uncle's (his brother's) wedding and all he did was cry and then proceed to tell me some weird story about blowing up a science room in some middle school.

And then he signed me away. My mom was sick and my sister needed power of attorney over her to make decisions for me but she also needed my father to sign away his biological rights. And he did . No real questions asked, just said okay. 

There was a time when I wished no one had ever told me about my father. There was also a time I wished that he would let me get to know him. I learned that some people just aren't worth the effort and that is okay. Moving on, no questions asked, I'd rather be free. Free to experience the other male role models. One of my best friends' dad has also been a great father figure. Hope today was awesome Mike!

My sister's husband has also done great things for me and while we do act more like brother and sister, he had a hand in raising me as well. I Know he had a good day, I live with him. 

To all the dads and sons and daughters who may be completely normal or may be in a situation like mine, Happy Father's Day. Remember to enjoy your family everyday.

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