Saturday, June 14, 2014

All the Compliments

I sing. Sometimes not very well but I sing. My sister pursued a singing career and she could have made it but she had to come home to help take care of my mother. She would give me pointers when I was really little but I was shy and I didn't like to sing in front of people. As I got older, the pointers would turn to random little compliments or critiques as I was singing around the house or in the car. One day they just stopped and then the only time she would say anything was when I asked for feedback. Now, she's back to openly adding her opinion. I get more critiques than anything else in my opinion but I'm probably just only noticing the negative parts.

I tell you this story because I get compliments on my voice ALL THE TIME at work. I constantly have guests asking me if I'm trained musically or if I'm a singer. Today was one of those days. I had 8 people tell me something positive about my voice. When I tell them I don't think I'm very good or that I've been told I'm not by good they straight up laugh or shake their heads and tell me I'm wrong. 


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