Monday, June 30, 2014

Having No Life

...can be kind of entertaining but most of the time it is just boring. Particularly when you have to write about your life. Obviously, this blog is my choice. No one is forcing me to write this, I do this for me. I'm not even sure if anyone actually reads anything I write. Sure I see that I've had nearly 5,000 views since I started but of those 5,000 views, how many are people actually reading?

Moving on, I have no life. I work and I come home and sometimes I see some friends. This is routine. This is normal. This is average. This is boring, Is this the type of life we're all socially groomed to aspire to? Is this what we go to school, spend money, worry and cry about? Routine? I understand that I'm only 21 and I understand that my so called "life" is still on the cusp of really beginning.  But, to be honest with you, I never really had routine until I was 16 years old. That's five years of routine and a lack of spontaneity and I'm not so sure I agree with it. Is this what Belle meant when she said "I WANT SO MUCH MORE THAN THIS PROVINCIAL LIFE!" because I definitely want adventure in the great wide some where. 

"I want so much more than they've got planned."

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